Scale objects, The frame reverts its percentage to 100%. (see – Adobe InDesign CS5 User Manual

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Frames and objects

Last updated 11/16/2011

Resizing an imported graphic

A. Frame selected with Selection tool B. Frame resized C. Frame and content scaled

To resize a frame, drag any handle using the Selection tool. If you hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command

OS) while dragging, the frame and the content are scaled. Adding the Shift key scales proportionally.

Note: If Auto-Fit is selected, resizing the frame resizes the image within the frame.

To resize the content of a graphics frame, use the Selection tool to click the content grabber or direct-select the
graphic, and then drag any of the graphics frame handles.

To resize a frame or its content to a precise size, select the object and enter the size in the width (W) or height (H)
fields on the Control panel.

To maintain the original proportions of the object when using the Control panel, make sure the Constrain Proportions

is selected.

To resize both the frame and content, use the Scale X Percentage and Scale Y Percentage fields, not the W and H
fields. The W and H fields change only the selected frame or content, not both. Rather than specifying percentages,
you can type dimensions by including the unit of measurement, such as “6p.”

To resize a frame or its content to a percentage of its current size, select the object and enter the percentage in the
width or height fields on the Transform panel.

To create a copy of the selected object with the new size applied to the copy, type a value in the width or height fields
on the Transform panel and then hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac

OS) as you press Enter.

After you resize a frame or object, you can use a fitting option (Object > Fitting) to fit the content to the frame or the
frame to the content.

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Scale objects

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Scale objects

Scaling an object enlarges or reduces it horizontally (along the x axis), vertically (along the y axis), or both horizontally
and vertically, relative to the reference point you specify.

By default, InDesign scales strokes. For example, if you scale a selected object with a 4-point stroke by 200%, the Stroke
panel indicates an 8-point stroke and the stroke visibly doubles in size. You can change the default stroke behavior by
deselecting Adjust Stroke Weight When Scaling in the Transform or Control panel menu.