Split a path, Splits paths and frames. (see – Adobe InDesign CS5 User Manual
Page 362
Last updated 11/16/2011
Clicking smooth point to create corner point
To convert a corner point without using direction lines to a corner point with independent direction lines, first drag
direction lines out of a corner point (making it a smooth point). Release the mouse button, and then drag either
direction line.
To convert a point, open the Pathfinder panel (choose Window > Object & Layout > Pathfinder), and click the
Plain, Corner, Smooth, or Symmetrical button in the Convert Point section.
To convert a smooth point to a corner point with independent direction lines, drag either direction line.
Converting smooth point to corner point
To convert points, you can also use the Direct Selection tool to select a point, and then choose a command from the
Object > Convert Point menu. For example, you can select the smooth point at the bottom of a “U” shape and choose
Object > Convert Point > Plain. Doing so removes the direction lines and makes a “V” shape. Choose Corner to create a
point with direction lines that can move independently of each other. Choose Smooth to create a point with handles that
can have unequal lengths. Choose Symmetrical to create a point with handles of equal lengths.
More Help topics
About direction lines and direction points
Split a path
You can split a path, graphics frame, or empty text frame at any anchor point or along any segment. When you split a
path, keep the following in mind:
If you want to split a closed path into two open paths, you must slice in two places along the path. If you slice a
closed path only once, you get a single path with a gap in it.
Any paths resulting from a split inherit the path settings of the original path, such as stroke weight and fill color.
You may need to reset stroke alignment from inside to outside.