Manage bookmarks, Rename a bookmark, Delete a bookmark – Adobe InDesign CS5 User Manual

Page 540: Arrange, group, and sort bookmarks

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Interactive documents

Last updated 11/16/2011

Select text. (By default, the text you select becomes the bookmark label.)

Double-click a page in the Pages panel to view it in the document window.

4 Do one of the following to create the bookmark:

Click the Create New Bookmark icon on the Bookmarks panel.

Choose New Bookmark from the panel menu.

Bookmarks appear in the Bookmarks tab when you open the exported PDF file in Adobe Reader or Acrobat.

Note: When you update the table of contents, the bookmarks are reordered, causing any bookmarks generated from a
TOC to appear at the end of the list.

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Manage bookmarks

Use the Bookmarks panel to rename, delete, and arrange bookmarks.

Rename a bookmark

Click the bookmark in the Bookmarks panel, and choose Rename Bookmark from the panel menu.

Delete a bookmark

Click a bookmark in the Bookmarks panel, and choose Delete Bookmark from the panel menu.

Arrange, group, and sort bookmarks

You can nest a list of bookmarks to show a relationship between topics. Nesting creates a parent/child relationship.
You can expand and collapse this hierarchical list as desired. Changing the order or nesting order of bookmarks does
not affect the appearance of your actual document.

Do one of the following:

To expand and collapse the bookmark hierarchy, click the triangle next to the bookmark icon to show or hide any
children it contains.

To nest a bookmark under another bookmark, select the bookmark or range of bookmarks you want to nest, and
then drag the icon or icons onto the parent bookmark. Release the bookmark.

The bookmark or bookmarks you dragged are nested under the parent bookmark; however, the actual page remains
in its original location in the document.

Bookmarks panel showing bookmarks being nested under a parent bookmark