Add topics to the topics list, Import topics from another indesign document, Edit an index topic – Adobe InDesign CS5 User Manual

Page 334: Add index entries

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Long document features

Last updated 11/16/2011

Creating a topic list before you add index entries is optional. Each time you create an index entry, its topic is
automatically added to the topic list for future use.

By default, topics you add to the Topics list do not appear in the Reference list, which displays only the topics that have
been associated with a page. However, to display the topics in the Reference list, you can choose Show Unused Topics

from the Index panel menu in Reference mode.

Add topics to the topics list

1 Choose Window

> Type & Tables

> Index to display the Index panel.

2 Select Topic.

3 Choose New Topic from the Index panel menu or click the Create New Index Entry icon at the bottom of the panel.

4 Do one of the following:

Under Topic Levels, type the topic name (for example, animals) in the first box. To create a subtopic, type a name
(cats) in the second box. In this example, “cats” is indented under “animals.” To create a subtopic under the
subtopic, type a name (Calicos) in the third box, and so on.

Select an existing topic. Enter subtopics in the second, third, and fourth boxes.

5 Click Add to add the topic, which will now appear in the New Topic dialog box as well as the Index panel.

6 Click Done when you’ve finished adding topics.

To delete a topic that you’ve just added, click Done, select the topic in the Index panel, and then click the Delete
Selected Entry button.

Import topics from another InDesign document

1 Choose Import Topics in the Index panel menu.

2 Select the document containing the index topics you want to import, and then click Open.

Edit an index topic

Use the Index panel to edit entries before or after you generate an index. Changes you make to your entries in the Index
panel will appear in the next index that you generate, but changes that you make to the generated index story will be
lost when you regenerate the index.

1 Open a document containing the index topics.

2 In the Index panel, select Topic.

3 In the preview area, double-click a topic to edit.

4 Edit the topic as desired, and then click OK.

Add index entries

You create index entries using the Index panel in Reference mode. An index entry consists of two parts: a topic and a
reference. Topics can be defined ahead of time using a topic list. References can be page numbers or cross-references
to other topics.