Adobe InDesign CS5 User Manual

Page 666

background image




Last updated 11/16/2011

Fill Frames Proportionally

Places the image so that its height or width fills the frame, leaving the rest of the image


Center In Frame

Aligns the center of the image to the center of the frame.

Link Images

Creates a link, or file path, to the original image file. If this option is not selected, all image data is

embedded in the InDesign document.

Remove Blank Lines For Empty Fields

Remove paragraph returns inserted for empty fields. This is especially useful for

mailings in which you have an optional address field. This option ignores soft returns. If any characters, including
spaces, appear on the line, the line is not deleted.

Record Limit Per Document

Specifies the maximum number of records for each merged document. When the

threshold is reached, a new document is created with the number of pages necessary to hold the remaining records
being merged (up to the per-record limit). This option is available only when Single Record is selected.

Page Limit Per Document

Specifies the maximum number of pages for each document. When the threshold is

reached, a new document is created with the number of pages necessary to hold the remaining records being merged
(up to the per-page limit). This option is available only when Multiple Records is selected from the Records Per
Document Page menu when merging.