Fitting objects to frames, Fit an object to its frame – Adobe InDesign CS5 User Manual

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Frames and objects

Last updated 11/16/2011

If you’re removing text characters, select them with the Type tool


2 Do one of the following:

To permanently remove the content, press Delete or Backspace.

To place the content elsewhere on the layout, choose Edit > Cut, deselect the frame, and then choose Edit > Paste.

Note: An imported image cannot exist without a frame. If you cut an imported image from its frame and paste it
elsewhere within a document, a new frame will be created for it automatically.

Fitting objects to frames

If the frame and its content are different sizes, you can use the Fitting commands to achieve a perfect fit.

Frame alignment options apply to frames that contain either a graphic or another text frame (text frames nested within
another frame), but they do not affect paragraphs inside a text frame—you control alignment and positioning of text
itself using the Text Frame Options command and the Paragraph, Paragraph Styles, and Story panels.

Fit an object to its frame

1 Select the frame of the object.

2 Choose Object > Fitting and one of the following options:

Fit Content To Frame

Resizes content to fit a frame and allows the content proportions to be changed. The frame

will not change, but the content may appear to be stretched if the content and the frame have different proportions.

Fit Frame To Content

Resizes a frame to fit its content. The frame’s proportions are altered to match the content

proportions, if necessary. This is useful for resetting a graphics frame that you accidentally altered.

To fit a frame to its content quickly, double-click any corner handle on the frame. The frame resizes away from the
point you click. If you click a side handle, the frame resizes only in that dimension.

Aligning an object within a graphics frame

A. Original B. Frame resized to fit content C. Content resized to fit frame

Center Content

Centers content within a frame. The proportions of the frame and its content are preserved. The

size of the content and frame are unaltered.

Fit Content Proportionally

Resizes content to fit a frame while preserving the content proportions. The frame’s

dimensions are not changed. If the content and the frame have different proportions, some empty space will result.

Fill Frame Proportionally

Resizes content to fill the entire frame while preserving the content’s proportions. The

frame’s dimensions are not changed. If the content and the frame have different proportions, some of the content
will be cropped by the bounding box of the frame.

Note: The Fitting commands fit the outer edges of the content to the center of the frame’s stroke. If the frame has a
thick stroke weight, outer edges of the content will be obscured. You can adjust the frame’s stroke alignment to the
center, inside, or outside of a frame edge. (See “

Set strokes

” on page


To remove undesired fitting settings applied using Auto-Fit, choose Object > Fitting > Clear Frame Fitting Options.