Apply conditions to text, Show or hide conditions, Use condition sets – Adobe InDesign CS5 User Manual
Page 165

Last updated 11/16/2011
Apply conditions to text
You can apply multiple conditions to the same text. By default, condition indicators identify conditional text.
However, if indicators are hidden, you can use the Conditional Text panel to determine which conditions have been
applied to the current text. A solid check mark indicates the condition is applied to the current text. A dim check mark
indicates that the condition is applied only to part of the selection.
1 Select the text to which you want to apply the condition.
2 In the Conditional Text panel (Windows
> Type & Tables
> Conditional Text), do any of the following:
To apply a condition, click the condition, or click the box next to the condition name.
To apply a condition and remove other conditions applied to the text, Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click
OS) a condition.
To remove a condition, click the box next to the condition name to remove the check mark. Or, click
[Unconditional] to remove all conditions from the selected text.
Note: You cannot apply keyboard shortcuts to specific conditions. However, you can apply conditions using Quick Apply.
Show or hide conditions
When you hide a condition, all text to which that condition is applied is hidden. Hiding conditions often causes the
page numbering to change in a document or book. You can use the Smart Text Reflow feature to add and remove pages
automatically as you hide and show conditions.
Hidden conditional text is generally ignored in the document. For example, hidden text is not printed or exported,
index markers in hidden conditional text are not included in a generated index, and hidden conditional text is not
included when searching or spell-checking text.
When you hide a condition, the hidden text is stored in a hidden condition symbol
. If you select text that contains
a hidden condition symbol and try to delete it, InDesign prompts you to confirm that you want to delete the hidden
conditional text. You cannot apply other conditions, styles, or formatting to hidden conditional text.
If text has several conditions applied to it and at least one of those conditions is shown while another is hidden, the
text is not hidden.
To show or hide individual conditions, click the visibility box next to a condition name. The eye icon indicates the
condition is shown.
To show or hide all conditions, choose Show All or Hide All from the Conditional Text panel menu.
Use condition sets
A condition set captures the visibility settings for all conditions so that you can quickly apply different document
renditions. For example, suppose you have a complex document with platform conditions for Mac
OS, Windows XP,
Vista, UNIX , language conditions for English, French, German, and Spanish, and editorial conditions such as
Editorial Review and Internal Comments. For reviewing the Vista version in French, you can create a set that shows
only the Vista, French, and Editorial Review conditions, and hides all the rest.
While sets aren’t necessary to do this, they help you quickly and reliably change different condition visibility settings.
1 Apply conditions to text as necessary.
2 If the Set menu doesn’t appear in the Conditional Text panel, choose Show Options from the Conditional Text
panel menu.
3 In the Conditional Text panel, make the conditions visible or hidden as needed.
4 Choose Create New Set from the Set menu, specify a name for the set, and click OK.