Restore all preferences and default settings, About indesign styles and presets – Adobe InDesign CS5 User Manual
Page 47

Last updated 11/16/2011
If you use the same page size and language for most of your documents, you can change these defaults with no
document open. For example, to change the default page size, close all documents, choose File > Document Setup, and
select a desired page size. To set a default dictionary, close all documents, choose Edit > Preferences > Dictionary
(Windows) or InDesign
> Preferences > Dictionary (Mac OS), and select an option from the Language menu.
Specify default settings for new objects in a document
1 With document open, choose Edit > Deselect All.
2 Change any menu items or panel or dialog box settings.
Restore all preferences and default settings
When InDesign is behaving erratically, deleting preferences (also referred to as “trashing preferences” or “removing
preferences”) often solves the problem.
It’s a good idea to make a backup copy of the preference files called InDesign Defaults and InDesign SavedData.
Instead of removing your preferences, you can copy these backup files over the problematic corrupt preference files
and not lose any customizations.
Do one of the following:
(Windows) Start InDesign, and then press Shift+Ctrl+Alt. Click Yes when asked if you want to delete preference
OS) While pressing Shift+Option+Command+Control, start InDesign. Click Yes when asked if you want to
delete preference files.
Various program preferences and default settings are stored in the Adobe InDesign preferences files. These files,
including the InDesign Defaults file, are saved each time you exit from InDesign. For manual deletion or renaming,
the locations of the preference files are as follows:
Mac OS
InDesign SavedData
Users/[user]/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign/Version [version]/InDesign SavedData
InDesign Defaults
Users/[user]/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/Version [version]/InDesign Defaults
Windows XP
InDesign SavedData
\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Application
Data\Adobe\InDesign\Version [version]\Caches
InDesign Defaults
\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign\Version [version]
Windows Vista or Windows 7
InDesign SavedData
Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign\Version [version]\Caches\InDesign
InDesign Defaults
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign\Version [version]\InDesign
About InDesign styles and presets
can store settings for reuse, including settings for the following items:
Creating paragraph and character styles. (See “