Metacharacters for searching, Enter the search expression manually. (see – Adobe InDesign CS5 User Manual

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Last updated 11/16/2011

Metacharacters for searching

Metacharacters represent a character or symbol in InDesign. Metacharacters in the Text section of the Find/Change
dialog box begin with a caret

(^); metacharacters in the GREP section begin with a tilde (~) or backslash (\). You can

type metacharacters in the Text tab or GREP tab of the Find/Change dialog box.

Save time fixing punctuation errors by saving search strings as queries.

Single-line on



The searches for any character ( . ) between
the letters c and a. The (?s) expression
matches any character, even if it falls on the
next line.

(.) matches anything other than a paragraph
return. (?s)(.) matches anything, including
paragraph returns.

abc abc abc abc

abc abcabc abc

Single-line off


abc abc abc abc

abc abc abc abc

Repeat number of

{ }

b{3} matches exactly 3 times

b(3,} matches at least 3 times

b{3,}? matches at least 3 times (shortest

b{2,3} matches at least 2 times and not more
than 3

b{2,3}? matches at least 2 times and not
more than 3 (shortest match)

abbc abbbc abbbbc abbbbbc

abbc abbbc abbbbc abbbbbc

abbc abbbc abbbbc abbbbbc

abbc abbbc abbbbc abbbbbc

abbc abbbc abbbbc abbbbbc

abbc abbbc abbbbc abbbbbc


Text tab metacharacter:

GREP tab metacharacter:

Tab Character



End of Paragraph



Forced Line Break



Any Page Number



Current Page Number



Next Page Number



Previous Page Number



* Any Variable



Section Marker



* Anchored Object Marker



* Footnote Reference Marker



* Index Marker



Bullet Character



Caret Character




Search string

Sample text

Matches (in bold)