Convert pdf presets from indesign cs, Background tasks panel, Adobe pdf options – Adobe InDesign CS5 User Manual
Page 512: Adobe pdf option categories

Last updated 11/16/2011
Convert PDF presets from InDesign CS
InDesign CS and earlier export PDF presets with .pdfs extensions, while InDesign CS2 and later export PDF presets
with .joboptions extensions. Importing a PDFS file converts it to a .joboptions file, and overrides settings as necessary.
For example, if Monitor RGB was selected as the destination profile in the Output area in InDesign CS, it is
automatically changed to Document RGB in InDesign CS4.
1 Choose File
> Adobe PDF Presets
> Define.
2 Click Load.
3 Choose Previous-version PDF Settings Files (.pdfs) from the Files Of Type menu (Windows) or All Files from the
Enable menu (Macintosh).
4 Double-click the file you want to convert.
The file becomes selected in the list of Adobe PDF presets.
Background Tasks panel
With the ability to export PDF files in the background, you can continue working on your document instead of waiting
until InDesign is done exporting. You can also queue up multiple PDF exports in the background. Use the Background
Tasks panel to view the progress of the export processes.
1 Export one or more documents to Adobe PDF.
2 To view the progress, choose Window > Utilities > Background Tasks.
Adobe PDF options
Adobe PDF option categories
You can set PDF options when you export to PDF or when you create or edit PDF presets. Adobe PDF options are
divided into categories. The categories are listed on the left side of the Export Adobe PDF dialog box, with the
exception of the Standard and Compatibility options, which are at the top of the dialog box. When you’re exporting to
PDF, changing any of the options causes “modified” to appear at the end of the preset name.
Specifies a PDF/X format for the file.
Specifies a PDF version for the file.
Specifies basic file options.
Specifies if artwork should be compressed and downsampled, and if so, which method and settings to use.
Marks and Bleeds
Specifies printer’s marks and the bleed and slug areas. Although the options are the same as in the
Print dialog box, the calculations are subtly different because a PDF is not output to a known page size.
Controls how colors and PDF/X output intent profiles are saved in the PDF file.
Controls how fonts, OPI specifications, transparency flattening, and JDF instructions are saved in the PDF
Adds security to the PDF file. Security options are not available when you create or edit a PDF preset.
Displays a summary of the current PDF settings. You can click the arrow next to a category (for example,
General) to view individual settings. To save the summary as an ASCII text file, click Save Summary. A warning
appears with explanatory text if a setting in the selected preset cannot be honored and must be remapped. For