Restart or continue numbering for a list, Number a list from the previous or current story – Adobe InDesign CS5 User Manual
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Last updated 11/16/2011
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Restart or continue numbering for a list
InDesign offers commands for restarting a list and continuing a list:
Restarting a numbered list
Place the insertion point in the paragraph and choose Restart Numbering from the context
menu or choose Type > Bulleted And Numbered Lists
> Restart Numbering. In normal lists, this command assigns the
number 1 (or letter A) to a paragraph and makes it the first paragraph in a list. In multi-level lists, this command
assigns the first lower-level number to a nested paragraph.
Continuing a numbered list
Choose Continue Numbering from the context menu or choose Type > Bulleted And
Numbered Lists
> Continue Numbering. This command resumes numbering a list that was interrupted by
commentary, graphics, or nested list items. InDesign also offers commands for numbering lists that begin in one story
or book and cross into the next story or book.
Number a list from the previous or current story
Whether a list resumes numbering from the previous story or starts numbering anew in the current story depends on
how the list is defined.
1 Choose Type > Bulleted And Numbered Lists
> Define Lists.
2 Select a list and click the Edit button.
Don’t choose the Default list because it can’t run across stories.
3 Select Continue Numbers Across Stories to resume numbering the list from the previous story, or deselect this
option to start the list in the current story at 1 (or A).
4 Click OK twice.
Number a list from the previous or current document in a book
Whether a list resumes numbering from the previous document in a book or starts numbering anew in the current
document depends on how the list is defined.
1 Choose Type > Bulleted And Numbered Lists
> Define Lists.
2 Select a list and click the Edit button.
3 Select Continue Numbers From Previous Document In Book to resume numbering the list from the previous
document (you must choose Continue Numbers Across Stories to activate this option), or deselect this option to
start the list in the current document at 1 (or A).
4 Click OK twice.
To make sure that numbering is updated properly in a book, synchronize the documents in the book and choose
Update Numbering > Update All Numbers from the books panel menu.