Index – Lenze E94AxPExxxx User Manual
Page 974

Lenze · 9400 Servo PLC· Reference manual · DMS 4.0 EN · 11/2013 · TD05/06
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User Password (C02900)
User task 1
Overflow (error message)
User task 2
Overflow (error message)
User task 3
Overflow (error message)
User task 4
Overflow (error message)
User task 5
Overflow (error message)
User task 6
Overflow (error message)
User task 7
Overflow (error message)
User task 8
Overflow (error message)
User task 9
Overflow (error message)
User-defined unit (C02526)
V/f control (VFCplus)
Activat. interpol. point n (C00954)
Frequency interpol. point n (C00952)
Frequency setpoint (C00998)
Gain - Imax controller (C00963)
Gain - oscillation damping (C00967)
Gain - slip compensation (C00965)
Gain - speed controller (C00972)
Influence - speed controller (C00971)
Limitation - oscill. damp. (C00969)
Load - cw/ccw-operation (C00961)
Load adjustment (C00962)
min. inh-time aft. overvolt. (C00977)
Override point of field weakening (C00980)
ramp-end frequ. - oscill. damp. (C00970)
Reset time - Imax contr. (C00964)
Reset time - speed contr. (C00973)
Time const. - oscill. damp. (C00968)
Time const. slip comp. (C00966)
V/f base frequency (C00951)
V/f characteristic shape (C00950)
V/f voltage boost (C00960)
Vmax reduction (C00955)
Voltage interpol. point n (C00953)
VVC current setpoint (C00957)
VVC gain (C00958)
VVC reset time (C00959)
Violation of time slice (error message)
Voltage reserve (C02871)
Waiting time - brake activation (C02593)
Waiting time - state monitoring (C02591)
Warning thres. brake resistor (C00572)
Warning thres. brake transistor (C00570)
Warning threshold device util. (C00123)
Warning threshold motor temperature (C00121)
Watchdog cycle is greater than task cycle (error message)
Width of current setpoint filter (C00271)
X8 (encoder signal)