Index – Lenze E94AxPExxxx User Manual
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Lenze · 9400 Servo PLC· Reference manual · DMS 4.0 EN · 11/2013 · TD05/06
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"CAN on board" system bus
"Online" tab
Absolute value encoder
Communication error (error message)
Accel./decel. time - grinding (C02597)
Acceleration has been limited (error message)
Acceleration reduction
Acceleration time (C02774)
Acceleration time feedf. control (C02600)
Acceleration unit (C02538)
Access protection
Action after detect Home position (C02641)
Activate DriveInTarget Modulo (C02673)
Activate encoder (C02760)
Activate Lss sat. char. (C02859)
Activate resolver error compensation (C00418)
Active application (C00007)
Active function state (C02530)
Active Product (C02909)
Active target ID (C02119)
Actual position (enc. eval.) (C02575)
Actual position (homing) (C02656)
Actual speed (enc. eval.) (C02574)
Actual speed [%] (C00693)
Actual speed [rpm] (C00051)
Actual speed filter
Actual speed value outside the tolerance (C00576) (error
Actual torque [%] (C00698)
Actual value detection
Adaptation of Ur (C02865)
Analog input 1
Master current < 4 mA (error message)
Analog input x
Input signal (C02800)
Analog inputs
Dead band (C02732)
Gain (C02730)
Offset (C02731)
Analog output x
Output signal (C02801)
Analog outputs
Gain (C02733)
Offset (C02734)
Angular drift monitoring (encoder)
Compiler date (C00213)
ID number (C00218)
Type code (C00212)
Version (C00211)
Application and device are incompatible (error message)
Application has started (error message)
Application is stopped (error message)
Application notes
Application selection (C00005)
Application unit
Async. motor
Stall protection (C01198)
Asynchronous machine in the field weakening range
Auto Inc Cam Data Points
Auto Inc Cam Data Points (C02927)
Auto increment CAM grid points
Autom. ENP data transfer (C00202)
Autom. restart after mains ON (C00142)
Automatic restart
Automatic switching frequency reduction
B. code
Read non-vol. memory (C02112)
Band-stop filter
Basic drive functions
Basic function "Limiter"
Basic functions
Behaviour due to change of parameter set (C00227)
Block function in wrong MEC task (error message)
Brake chopper
Ixt > C00570 (error message)
Brake chopper monitoring
Brake chopper utilisation
Brake closing time (C02589)
Brake control
Dig. signals (C02609)
Brake control polarity (C02585)
Brake module
Brake opening time (C02590)
Brake resistance value (C00129)
Brake resistor
I²xt overload (error message)
I2t > C00572 (error message)
Brake resistor monitoring
Brake resistor utilisation
Brake resistor utilisation (C00138)
Brake resp. to pulse inhibit (C02582)
Brake test - time (C02605)
Brake transistor
Ixt overload (error message)
Overcurrent (error message)
Brake transistor utilisation (C00137)
Braking operation
Breakpoint reached (error message)
BRK_dnState (C02607)
BRK_dnTorqueAdd_n (C02608)