3 system with motor encoder and position encoder, System with motor encoder and position encoder, 7encoder evaluation – Lenze E94AxPExxxx User Manual
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Lenze · 9400 Servo PLC· Reference manual · DMS 4.0 EN · 11/2013 · TD05/06
Encoder evaluation
Parameter setting
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System with motor encoder and position encoder
The optional position encoder is used as a feedback for the position control and transmits the
position of slide or drive roll to the controller.
Schematic diagram - feedback with separate position encoder
In this case, the actual position and actual speed values on the machine side result from the
conversion of the position encoder position via the resulting gearbox factor (ratio of the motor
speed to the position encoder speed; display in
) and the feed constant (
How to activate the use of a separate position encoder:
On the Application parameters
tab in the dialog level Overview Drive interface Machine parameters:
1. Select the "Position controller active" setting in the Position control structure list field
), so that the position encoder is evaluated.
2. Select the position encoder available in the Position encoder selection list field (
3. Select the gearbox ratio of the position encoder (ratio of load speed to encoder speed) as a
quotient (numerator/denominator) which results from the resulting teeth number:
• Enter numerator in the input field Gearbox fact. num.: Pos. enc. (
• Enter denominator in the input field Gearbox fact. denom.: Pos. enc. (
4. If required, adapt the position encoder mounting direction via the Position encoder
mounting direction list field (
). The position encoder mounting direction is preset to
"Encoder rotating CW".
the gearbox factor is displayed in decimal format.
Important reference variables converted to the load side:
• Motor reference speed (
• Reference torque (
) Load reference torque (
Motor encoder
Position encoder
Gearbox ratio for position encoder