Index – Lenze E94AxPExxxx User Manual
Page 972

Lenze · 9400 Servo PLC· Reference manual · DMS 4.0 EN · 11/2013 · TD05/06
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Service code (C2870)
Service code (C2996)
Service code (C2997)
Service code (C2998)
Service code (C2999)
Service code (C308)
Service code (C309)
Service code (C310)
Service code (C325)
Service code (C326)
Service code (C327)
Service code (C328)
Service code (C329)
Service code (C330)
Service code (C335)
Service code (C336)
Service code (C337)
Service code (C338)
Service code (C379)
Service code (C395)
Service code (C396)
Service code (C397)
Service code (C416)
Service code (C468)
Service code (C512)
Service code (C513)
Service code (C514)
Service code (C515)
Service code (C516)
Service code DataFlash (C1213)
Service password (C00004)
Servo control (SC)
Set time and date (C01215)
Setpoint interpolation (C02550)
Setting of actual speed filter
Setting the baud rate for CAN
Setting the CAN node address
Setting the error response
Setting the field weakening for asynchronous machines
Setting the node address for CAN
Setting the S-ramp time
Settings for test mode (C00399)
SF_dnMotorAcc_x (C02692)
SF_dnSpeedAdd_s (C02693)
Short overview of error messages
Signal flow
Encoder evaluation
Position follower
Sensorless vector control
Servo control for asynchronous motor
Servo control for synchronous motor
Speed follower
Torque follower
V/f control
V/f control closed loop
Signal source - speed setpoint (C00275)
Signal source - torque setpoint (C00276)
Cross current controller gain (C00986)
Field current controller gain (C00985)
Gain - torque controller (C00987)
Reset time - torque contr. (C00988)
Time const.- Para. adj. (C00989)
Software limit positions
Triggering behaviour
Software limit positions (C02701)
Software limits pos. effective (C02700)
Source - actual position (C2571)
Source add. speed (C02681)
Source for feedf. control brake (C02602)
Source of starting torque (C02588)
Source position setpoint (C02680)
Spec. characteristic
resistance (C01192)
temperature (C01191)
Speed act. val. time const. (C00497)
Speed contr. reset time (C00071)
Speed contr.D component (C00072)
Speed controller gain (C00070)
Speed controller output (C00694)
Speed feedforw. control gain (C02561)
Speed follower
% signals (C02694)
Dig. signals (C02695)
Speed has been limited (error message)
Speed limitation (C00909)
Speed monitoring tolerance (C00576)
Speed setpoint (enc. eval.) (C02572)
Speed setpoint [%] (C00692)
Speed setpoint [rpm] (C00050)
Speed unit (C02537)
S-ramp time for stop (C02611)
S-ramp time lim. speed (C02711)
SSI encoder
bit rate (C00423)
data word length (C00424)
partword data coding (C00437)
partword length (C00436)
partword start position (C00435)
Start acceleration
Starting angle (C02772)
Starting performance
Starting torque 1 (C02586)
Starting torque 2 (C02587)
Starting value I²xt monitoring (C01197)