12 basic drive functions – Lenze E94AxPExxxx User Manual
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Basic drive functions
Lenze · 9400 Servo PLC· Reference manual · DMS 4.0 EN · 11/2013 · TD05/06
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Behaviour of the home position after mains switching
If the home position/information is also to be available after mains switching, the setting
= "1: Received" is required.
Another condition for keeping the home position/information after mains switching is the
compliance with the maximum permissible angle of rotation of the encoder.
• The maximally permissible angle of rotation can be set in
in angular degree [°] with
regard to the encoder shaft (360° ≡ one encoder shaft rotation).
Due to the internal numerical format and the resolution of one encoder revolution
according to
, the position may not be reconstructed over the complete encoder
• The possible number of revolutions can be calculated as follows:
Number of revolutions = 2
(31 - C00100)
• Example: For a standard multiturn absolute value encoder with an absolute display
area of 4096 revolutions (±2048), a maximum position resolution of 20 bits per
revolution can be used!
When resolvers or single-turn absolute value encoders are used and the mains is
switched off (24 V supply off), the encoder may only be moved by ½ revolution since
otherwise the home position will get lost due to the ambiguity of the encoder
When multipole resolvers (
> 1) are used, a renewed homing is required after
mains switching due to the ambiguity of the evaluated position.