1 general data and application conditions, 2 supported protocols, 10 "can on board" system bus – Lenze E94AxPExxxx User Manual

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"CAN on board" system bus


General information


Lenze · 9400 Servo PLC· Reference manual · DMS 4.0 EN · 11/2013 · TD05/06

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General data and application conditions


Supported protocols



Communication profile

CANopen (DS301 V4.02)

Communication medium

DIN ISO 11898

Network topology

Line closed on both sides (e.g. termination by Sub-D plug, type EWZ0046)

Adjustable node addresses

1 ... 127

• Adjustable via DIP switch on the memory module (exception: memory

module MM1xx) or via code



Max. number of nodes


Baud rate

10, 20, 50, 125, 250, 500, 800, 1000 kbit/s or automatic recognition

• Adjustable via DIP switch on the memory module (exception: memory

module MM1xx) or via code



Process data

• max. 4 TPDOs with 1 ... 8 bytes

• max. 4 RPDOs with 1 ... 8 bytes

Parameter data

Max. 10 client and server SDO channels with 1 ... 8 bytes

Transfer mode for TPDOs

• With change of data

• Time-controlled, 1 to x ms

• After the reception of 1 to 240 sync telegrams



Standard PDO protocols

PDO write

PDO read

SDO protocols

SDO download

SDO download initiate

SDO download segment
SDO upload

SDO upload initiate

SDO upload segment
SDO abort transfer
SDO block download

SDO block download initiate

SDO block download end
SDO block upload

SDO block upload initiate

SDO block upload end

NMT protocols

Start remote node (master and slave)
Stop remote node (slave)
Enter pre-operational (slave)
Reset node (slave and local device)
Reset communication (slave)

Monitoring protocols

Node guarding (master and slave)
Heartbeat (heartbeat producer and heartbeat consumer)