2 preparations for creating a plc program, 1 starting »plc designer« from »engineer, Preparations for creating a plc program – Lenze E94AxPExxxx User Manual
Page 39: Starting »plc designer« from »engineer, 4plc functionality
Lenze · 9400 Servo PLC· Reference manual · DMS 4.0 EN · 11/2013 · TD05/06
PLC functionality
Preparations for creating a PLC program
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Preparations for creating a PLC program
Once a project has been assigned or exported to a directory, »PLC Designer« can be started with this
How to terminate the project is described in section
Starting »PLC Designer« from »Engineer«
»PLC Designer« is started from the Application parameters tab of »Engineer«:
• Click the Start »PLC Designer« button:
»PLC Designer« starts and loads the project assigned.
In this case it is the
Standard project "PLC_Application.pro"
Version of »PLC Designer«
The »Engineer« project stores the version of »PLC Designer« with which the project was edited last.
»Engineer« suggests this version for editing the PLC project.
If this version of »PLC Designer« is not installed or is a newly created project, the latest version is