12 basic drive functions, Basic drive functions – Lenze E94AxPExxxx User Manual
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Basic drive functions
Lenze · 9400 Servo PLC· Reference manual · DMS 4.0 EN · 11/2013 · TD05/06
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Basic drive functions
In this chapter the basic (drive) functions of the "Servo Drives 9400" are described, to which the
active application can access via defined, internal interfaces, and which can be carried out in the
following way, depending on the controller type (StateLine or HighLine) and the Motion Control
licence available:
Parameter setting by means of »Engineer« or keypad
In each licence level the basic functions can be parameterised in »Engineer« via a
corresponding dialog or alternatively via the keypad.
In the case of the 9400 StateLine (licence level Motion Control StateLevel), the
interconnection of the internal interfaces is defined by the technology application
»Engineer« additionally provides the graphic function block editor for the 9400
HighLine which can be used to reconfigure and extend the application
interconnection by individual functions using the function library.
Programming according to IEC 61131-3 in »PLC Designer«*
For the 9400 HighLine with the licence level Motion Control PLC the basic functions
are also provided as separate system blocks in »PLC Designer«, which, if required,
can be integrated in the control configuration, and which then can be accessed from
the IEC 61131-3 program via the corresponding system variables.
* In preparation!