Index – Lenze E94AxPExxxx User Manual
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Lenze · 9400 Servo PLC· Reference manual · DMS 4.0 EN · 11/2013 · TD05/06
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CAN slave/master (C00352)
CAN status (C00359)
CAN status DIP switch (C00348)
CAN SYNC application cycle (C01130)
CAN SYNC Rx identifier (C00367)
CAN sync transmission cycle time (C00369)
CAN SYNC Tx identifier (C00368)
CAN telegram and error counter (C00360)
CAN TPDO counter (C00343)
CAN TPDO1 mask byte x (C00311)
CAN TPDO2 mask byte x (C00312)
CAN TPDO3 mask byte x (C00313)
CAN TPDO4 mask byte x (C00314)
CAN TPDOx cycle time (C00356)
CAN TPDOx delay time (C00324)
CAN TPDOx identifier (C00320)
CAN TPDOx Tx mode (C00322)
CAN/EPL device type (C219)
Capacitor temperature (C00068)
Change Cam Data Point M (C02926)
Change Cam Data Point X (C02924)
Change Cam Data Point Y (C02925)
Change of the basic function
Change Pos Data Point X (C02964)
Change Pos Data Point Y (C02965)
Changing cam data via parameterisation
Check configuration (C225)
COB-ID EMCY (I-1014)
COB-ID SYNC message (I-1005)
Code number duplicated (error message)
Code refresh (error message)
Combination memory module/device not possible (error
Combination MXI1/MXI2 not possible (error message)
Combination of module in MXI1/device not possible (error
Combination of module in MXI2/device not possible (error
Communication cycle period (I-1006)
Communication error between device and device module (error
Communication task
Standstill > 3 s (error message)
Communication with module in MXI1 interrupted (error
Communication with module in MXI2 interrupted (error
Communication with safety module interrupted (error
Config. analog input 1 (C00034)
ConnectTable active (error message)
Consumer heartbeat time (I-1016)
Cont Data Point Choice (C02943)
Cont Pos X0 (C02944)
Cont Pos X1 (C02945)
Cont Time (C02946)
Cont Track Choice (C02940)
Cont Type (C02941)
Control card
Supply voltage (24 V DC) too low (error message)
Control card is defect (error message)
Control card is defect (UB18 neg.) (error message)
Control card is defect (UB24) (error message)
Control card is defect (UB8) (error message)
Control card is defect (VCC15 neg.) (error message)
Control card is defect (VCC15) (error message)
Control card is defect (VCC5) (error message)
Control card is incompatible (error message)
Control mode (C02567)
Control of two motor brakes
Controlled operation (without feedback)
Clamp operation (error message)
Overload during acceleration phases (error message)
Pulse inhibit is active (error message)
Controller enabled (error message)
Controller in STO state (error message)
Controller inhibit by (source) (C00158)
Correction of the leakage inductance
Brake chopper overload (C01203)
DC bus overvoltage (C01205)
Heatsink overtemp. (C01208)
Housing overtemp. (C01209)
Internal (C01210)
Ixt overload (C01204)
Mains switching (C01206)
Power section overload (C01212)
Overtemperature (error message)
Temperature > C00126 (error message)
Thermal detector is defect (error message)
CPU temp. warning threshold (C00126)
CPU temperature (C00069)
Curr. control par. of C75 C76 (C2866)
Current (C02773)
Current contr. reset time (C00076)
Current controller gain (C00075)
Current setpoint filter
Cycle (C02536)
Cyclic task
Standstill > 60 s (error message)