H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
Page 96

Click the device label of the AC you want to view.
The AC details page appears.
Click Wireless Status in the Wireless Service area located on the right pane of the page.
The Wireless Status window appears.
The wireless status information for the selected AC is displayed in different tabs. Click the tab
for the service status you want to view.
Mobility Status tab
Networks in the Mobility Domain area
IP Address/Subnet Mask—Subnet associated with the VLAN.
IP Netmask—IP network mask.
VLAN ID—Identifier of the VLAN.
Handler—Access point or service controller that provides the data path to a given subnet.
Network—Current network or subnet.
Travelers list contents
IP Address—IP address of the traveler's wireless client.
VLAN ID—VLAN ID of the traveler's wireless client.
MAC Address—MAC address of the traveler's wireless client.
Home AP IP Address—IP address of the home MSM access point.
Foreign Controller IP Address—IP address of the foreign MSM controller.
Visitors list contents
IP Address—IP address of the visitor's wireless client.
VLAN ID—VLAN ID of the visitor's wireless client.
MAC Address—MAC address of the visitor's wireless client.
Home Controller IP Address—IP address of the home MSM controller device.
Foreign AP IP Address—IP address of the foreign MSM access point.
DHCP Server Status tab
IP Address—IP address assigned to the wireless client.
Lease Assignation—Time and date the address was assigned.
Lease Expiration—Time and date that the address lease expires.
MAC Address—MAC address of the wireless client.
Client Name—Name of computer.
WLAN Name—WLAN profile name.
VPN Status tab
PPTP Client Status section
Status—Icon in green indicates the VPN connection is operational. An icon in red indicates
the VPN connection is not operational.
Local IP address—IP address assigned to the controller or Integrated Services Access Point in
the PPTP tunnel.
Remote IP address—IP address assigned to the PPTP server at the other end of the PPTP