H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
Page 350

To modify WLANs in batches:
Click the Service tab.
From the navigation tree, select WLAN Manager > Resource Management > WLANs. The
WLAN List displays all WLANs.
Click the Operation icon
for the target WLAN, and then select Modify . The page for
modifying WLANs in batches appears.
The WLAN List displays WLANs matching the following criteria by AC or fat AP:
WLANs that use the same SSID as previously selected WLANs.
The ACs or fat APs to which the WLANs belong are from the same vendor.
Select the target WLAN.
WSM prompts you where device the default settings are configured.
Set the following parameters as needed.
For MSM series devices:
Basic information
VSC Name—The name of the VSC.
State—Select the WLAN state from the list. Options are Enable and Disable.
SSID—Enter the name of the SSID, a string of 1 to 32 characters. It cannot be null and
cannot be the same as an existing SSID. The string can include the following case-sensitive
letters, digits, and special characters:
tilde (~), exclamation point (!), at sign (@), pound sign (#), dollar sign ($), percent sign (%),
caret (^), ampersand sign (&), asterisk (*), left brace({), right brace (}), left parenthesis ((),
right parenthesis ()), left bracket ([), right bracket (]), left angle bracket (<), right angle
bracket (>), hyphen (-), underscore (_), plus sign (+), equal sign (=), vertical bar (|), back
slash (\), colon (:), semi-colon (;) quotation marks ("), apostrophe ('), comma (,), dot
(.),forward slash (/), and spaces.
VLAN Tagging—Enable or disable VLAN binding. If you select Enable, enter a VLAN ID.
After you enable this option, clients are added to the specified VLAN when accessing the
VLAN ID—Enter a VLAN ID. Clients accessing the WLAN are automatically added to the
VLAN. This option is required only when VLAN tagging is enabled.
Broadcast SSID—Enable or disable SSID broadcasting:
Enable—Fit APs in the group are bound to the WLAN broadcast the SSID.
Disable—The SSID is not broadcasted, and an SSID must be manually configured on
clients when the clients access the WLAN.
Inter-Client Blocking—Enable or disable access between clients that access the WLAN.
Security information
Encryption—Select an encryption mode from the list. Options are:
Static WEP
Dynamic WEP
WPA Pre-Shared Key
WPA 802.1X.
For the security parameters corresponding to these options, see