H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

Page 619

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Association Success Ratio (%)—Number of successful associations for an AP to the

number of association requests received by the AP.

Client Dropping Ratio (%)—Number of abnormal offline times of clients associated with
an AP to the sum of successful associations and clients that get online before data

collection starts.

Weight (%)—Enter the weight for each index in evaluating a single AP. It is used to
calculate the history evaluation results (evaluation results for each data collection period)

of the AP. The overall evaluation results are calculated based on the history calculation



Click OK.


Set thresholds for client evaluation indexes. WSM uses the thresholds to evaluate clients'

operating status in an evaluation task. You can view the evaluation results in overall client
evaluation information in the evaluation report.


Click the Setting link for Client Evaluation Index Settings.


Enter the Excellent, Good, Fair, and Weight thresholds for the following indexes:

RSSI—RSSI of a client.

High-Rate Outgoing Packet Ratio (%)—Number of high-rate packets sent by a client to
the total number of packets sent by the client.

High-Rate Incoming Packet Ratio (%)—Number of high-rate packets received by a client
to the total number of packets received by the client.

Power Save Mode Percentage—Number of times that a client uses the power save mode
within the data collection period to the total number of data collection times.

Weight (%)—Enter the weight for each index in evaluating a single client. It is used to
calculate the history evaluation results (evaluation results for each data collection period)

of the client. The overall evaluation results are calculated based on the history calculation



Click OK.


Set thresholds for pie charts:


Click the Setting link for Pie Chart Index Settings.


Set the number of parts shown in the pie chart and the thresholds for the following pie

High-Rate Outgoing Packet Ratio Distribution

High-Rate Incoming Packet Ratio Distribution

User Signal Strength Distribution

Set thresholds for pie charts as shown in

Table 37

. The high-rate outgoing packet ratio

distribution pie chart is taken as an example.

Table 37 Parameters of a high-rate outgoing packets ratio pie chart

Items Description

Number of Parts
Shown in the Pie

Set the number of parts shown in the pie chart.
WSM counts APs that match the predefined criteria and then generates a

pie chart based on the ratio of the number of APs in different parts.
If you set the number to two, the pie chart displays only part 1 and part 2.
If the thresholds for part 1 and part 2 are 80% and 60%, respectively, and

there are 10 APs whose high-rate outgoing packet ratio has exceeded