Viewing ap license information, Ation, see, Viewing ap license – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
Page 105: Information

Offline Fit APs—Number of offline fit APs managed by the AC. Click the number to view all
the managed offline fit APs.
Online/P Fit APs—Number of fit APs that have established primary tunnels with the current
AC. Such fit APs are managed by the AC. Click the number to view all fit APs that have
established primary tunnels with the current AC. In an AC backup environment, a fit AP can
connect to at most two ACs to establish a primary tunnel with one AC and a backup tunnel
with the other.
Online/S Fit APs—Number of fit APs that have established backup tunnels with the current
AC. Such fit APs are not managed by the AC. Click the number to view all fit APs that have
established backup tunnels with the current AC. In an AC backup environment, a fit AP can
connect to at most two ACs to establish a primary tunnel with one AC and a backup tunnel
with the other.
Auto Fit APs—Number of auto fit APs associated with the AC. Click the number to view all
auto fit APs.
View All—Click View All to display all fit APs managed by the AC. On the Fit AP List,
operators can add, delete, import, and export fit APs, locate fit APs on a map, and
synchronize AP labels.
Client Information
Online Clients—Number of clients that are associated with the fit APs managed by the AC.
Click the number to view all the online clients.
Associated Clients—Number of successful associations between clients and fit APs.
Associated Failures—Number of failed associations between clients and fit APs.
Re-associated Clients—Number of reassociations between clients and fit APs.
Rejected Clients—Number of rejected associations between clients and fit APs.
Exceptional Deauthenticated Clients—Number of exceptional deassociations between clients
and fit APs.
Viewing AP license information
Click the Service tab.
From the navigation tree, select WLAN Manager > Resource Management > ACs. The AC List
page displays all ACs.
Click the device label of the AC whose detailed information you want to view.
The AC details page appears.
Click the View AP License Information link in the AC Configuration area to the right of the page.
The AP License Information window appears.
AP License Information
Associated AP—Number of APs that can be managed by the AC. The APs include the
default number of APs that can be managed by the AC, and the number allowed by the
activated license.
Max AP Count—Maximum number of APs that can be managed by the AC.
Default AP Count—Number of APs that can be managed by the AC by default.
The following list displays the AP licenses that have been registered on the AC:
Number—License number.