Viewing – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

Page 429

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Click the Query icon .


Rogue AP List displays all rogue APs matching the query



Clear the Query field, and click the Query icon

to display all rogue APs.


Perform an advanced query:


Click next to the Query field to expand the Query area. Click it again to hide the Query


Enter or select one or more query conditions in the query area on the page.


MAC Address—Enter the MAC address of the rogue AP. Fuzzy matching is supported. For
example, if you enter 0, all rogue APs with a 0 in the MAC address are displayed.


SSID—Enter the service SSID of the rogue AP. Fuzzy matching is supported. For example, if

you enter W, all rogue APs with a W in the SSID are displayed.


Last Discovered at—From the drop-down list, select a time range. Options are Last Day, Last
3 Days, Last 7 Days, Last Month, and Unlimited.


Class—Select the class to which the rogue AP belongs. Options are Unlimited, Rogue,
External, Authorized, and Unclassified.
An empty field or a field that is set to Unlimited does not serve as a query criterion.


Click Query.
The Rogue AP List displays all rogue APs matching the query criteria.


Clicking Reset clears the query criteria and displays all rogue APs.

Viewing detailed information about a Comware-based rogue


The detailed information page of a Comware-based rogue AP shows you all information about the

rogue AP (including its location and the AP that detected it), and provides you all actions you can

perform for the rogue AP in the Action area to the right of the page.
To view detailed information about a rogue AP:


Click the Service tab.


From the navigation tree, select WLAN Manager > WIDS Management > Rogue APs.


Click the MAC address link of the rogue AP.
The rogue AP's detailed information page appears with the following information:
Rogue AP Information


MAC Address—MAC address of the rogue AP.


Detected by—AC that detected the rogue AP. To view detailed information about the AC,
click the AC link. For field descriptions of the AC's detailed information, see "

6 Managing

Comware-based access controllers



Vendor—Vendor of the rogue AP.


SSID—Service SSID of the rogue AP.


First Discovered at—First time the rogue AP was detected.


Last Discovered at—Last time the rogue AP was detected.


Max Signal Strength (dBm)—Maximum signal strength of the rogue AP.