Querying rogue clients – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
Page 435

Last Discovered at—Last time the rogue client was detected.
Operation—This field contains an icon
that displays links to operational tasks for the rogue
For a rogue client associated with a Comware-based rogue AP, you can add the rogue client
to the permitted-MAC address list or MAC-to-attack list, or remove it from the MAC-to-attack
list. You can also locate the rogue client. For more information on using each of these
operations, refer to the detailed information for each of these configuration features.
For a rogue client associated with an MSM series rogue AP, you can manually classify the
rogue client as an authorized client.
You can sort the Rogue Client List by every field except the Operation field. Click the column label to
sort the list by the selected field. Note that the column label allows you to toggle between the sort
options specific to each field.
Querying rogue clients
WSM provides basic query and advanced query. Basic query criteria include several key parameters
for quick search. Advanced query offers various query criteria for precise match.
Click the Service tab.
From the navigation tree, select WLAN Manager > WIDS Management > Rogue Clients.
Perform a basic query:
Enter the MAC address of the AC. WSM supports fuzzy matching for this field.
Click the Query icon .
Rogue Client List displays all rogue clients matching the query
Clear the Query field, and click the Query icon
to display all rogue clients.
Perform an advanced query:
Click next to the Query field to expand the Query area. Click it again to hide the Query
Enter or select one or more query conditions in the query area on the page.
Query options:
MAC Address—Enter the MAC address of the rogue client. Fuzzy matching is supported. For
example, if you enter 0, all rogue clients with a 0 in the MAC address are displayed.
Last Discovered at—From the drop-down list, select a time range. Options are Last Day, Last
3 Days, Last 7 Days, Last Month, and Unlimited.
Class—Select the class to which the rogue client belongs. Options are Unclassified, Rogue,
External, and Forced Authorized.
An empty field or a field that is set to Unlimited does not serve as a query criterion.
Click Query.
The Rogue Client List displays all rogue clients matching the query criteria.
Clicking Reset clears the query criteria and displays all rogue clients.