Configuring fit ap groups, Viewing the fit ap groups on an ac – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

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A team AC is a group of ACs that work together as a single virtual AC to provide wireless

services for clients. You cannot configure team ACs in WSM, and must log in to the web
manager of an AC to do so. For more information about team ACs, see the device

configuration guide.


Team Name—Name of the team.


Online Duration of Master—Online time of the master AC.


Status—State of the member AC, which can be Discovery/Up, Up, Down, Discovery/Down,
Outside, or Unknown.


Role—Role played by the member AC in the team, which can be Slave, Master, Preferred
Master, or Unknown.


IP Address—Actual IP address of the member AC.


SN—Serial number of the member AC.


MAC Address—MAC address of the member AC.


Online Duration—Online duration of the member AC.

Configuring fit AP groups

WSM allows you to manage fit APs by group. Before configuring fit AP groups, make sure the

management console of the AC is set as the IP address of the WSM server.
A fit AP is added automatically to the system-defined group Default Group when it first connects to an

AC. You can move a fit AP from the one group to another group.
For fit APs in a group to provide wireless service for clients, you must bind the group to WLANs. For

information about configuring WLANs, see "

Configuring WLANs


You can access the group configuration feature from the AC List page, the AC details page, or the

configuration management page. This information uses the AC List page as an example.

Viewing the fit AP groups on an AC


Click the Service tab.
From the navigation tree, select WLAN Manager > Resource Management > ACs. The AC List
page displays all ACs.


Click the Operation icon

for the target AC.


Select Group Configuration from the menu.
The Group List displays all fit AP groups on the AC.
Group List contents


Name—Name of the group. Click the name link of a group to display the Fit AP List page of
the group.


APs in Group—Number of fit APs in the group.


Bind to WLAN—Click the Bind to WLAN icon

to display the bound WLAN list page of

the group.


Group Parameter Config—Click the Group Parameter Config icon

for a group to enter

the page for configuring the group parameters. For more information, see "


group parameters
