12 managing comware-based fit aps, Viewing the fit ap list – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
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12 Managing Comware-based fit APs
WSM enables administrators to manage Comware-based fit APs through Comware-based ACs.
In WSM, each fit AP corresponds to a fit AP template. To enable a fit AP to connect to an AC, add a
corresponding fit AP template on the AC first.
You can check the fit AP names and serial numbers through the Compliance Center to make sure no
APs with the same serial number but different names, APs with the same name but different serial
numbers, or APs with the same name and serial number exist on different ACs. You can also verify the
VLANs configured on an AC to avoid VLAN configuration errors.
Viewing the fit AP list
The fit AP list page displays information about all managed fit APs in IMC, including the online status,
device status, device label, serial number, IP address, MAC address, model, VLAN ID of fit APs, ACs,
and clients.
Operators can view information about Comware-based fit APs in the Fit AP List after setting the
Vendor criterion to H3C.
To view the fit AP list:
Click the Service tab.
From the navigation tree, select WLAN Manager > Resource Management > Fit APs.
The Fit AP List page displays all fit APs.
On the Fit AP List, fit APs in online state are online fit APs, fit APs in offline state and whose IP
Address and MAC Address fields are empty are fit APs that do match the fit AP template, and fit
APs in offline state but whose IP Address and MAC Address fields are not empty are offline fit
Fit AP List contents
Online Status—Online status of the fit AP. Online and Online (Primary) means the fit
AP is an online fit AP that connects to the primary AC. Online (Secondary) means the fit
AP is an online fit AP that connects to the secondary AC.
Offline means the fit AP is
By default, Online (Secondary) fit APs are displayed in the Fit AP List only when
advanced query is performed.
Status—Current alarm status of the fit AP.
AP Label—Device label that identifies the fit AP in the IMC Platform. Click the device label of
a fit AP to view its details.
SN—Serial number of the fit AP.
IP Address—IPv4 address of the fit AP.
MAC Address—MAC address of the fit AP.
Model—Model of the fit AP.
VLAN ID—VLAN ID corresponding to the service policy bound to the radios of the fit AP.