H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

Page 337

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If the queried client is not in the client list, an error page appears.


Set troubleshooting parameters.


Configure Time—To troubleshoot the real-time access process, select Real Time for the
Configure Time field. To troubleshoot the history access process, select History for the

Configure Time field.
If you select History, you need to configure a start time and an end time for the
troubleshooting process.

Start Time—Click the field next to Start Time to select the start time from the calendar that

End Time—Click the field next to End Time to select the end time from the calendar that
appears. The end time must be later than the start time, and interval between the start

time and the end time cannot exceed 24 hours.


WSM does not collect the syslogs sent by the AC until the troubleshooting function is enabled
on the AC. If you troubleshoot the access process for a history period during which the

troubleshooting function is disabled on the AC, the Troubleshooting Conclusion and User

Access Troubleshooting Information areas display no contents.


Website IP—Select the website IP box and enter the IP address of a website. WSM performs
NQA operations on the links between the AC and the website.


AAA Server IP—Select the AAA server IP box and enter the IP address of the AAA server.
WSM performs NAT operations on the links between the AC and the AAA server.


DNS Server IP—Select the DNS server IP box and enter the IP address of the DNS server.
WSM performs NAT operations on the links between the AC and the DNS server.


Portal Server IP—Select the Portal server IP box and enter the IP address of the Portal server.
WSM performs NAT operations on the links between the AC and the Portal server.


Click Start Troubleshooting.
The troubleshooting page appears.
The Troubleshooting Link area displays the topological graph containing the client, the AP, the
switch directly connected to the AP, and the AC. If the switch directly connected to the fit AP is

not added to the IMC Platform, the link between the AP and the AC is displayed as a dotted
line. If a website IP address or server IP address is configured, the link between the AC or the

fat AP and the server is also displayed.


View the NQA information.
The NQA Information area displays the wired network performance.
With the troubleshooting function enabled, WSM performs NAT operations on the wire links. If
the switch directly connected to the AP is not added to the IMC Platform, WSM performs NAT

operations on the links between the AP and the AC. If a website IP address or server IP address

is configured, WSM also performs NAT operations on the links between the AC and the
website or the server. All test data is displayed in the NQA information list.
NQA information list contents


Link Information—Identifies a link by device label (IP address)-device label (IP address).


Packet Loss Rate (%)—Loss rate of the test packets.


Source to Destination Average Delay (ms)—Average delay from source to destination, in
