H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
Page 585

Modified at—Select the time at which you want WSM to change the power of radios, at
the scheduled time or immediately after the energy policy is added. If Scheduled is
selected, enter the scheduled time in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format in the box to the
right of the Scheduled box or click the calendar icon to select the scheduled time. The
parameter appears only when Change/Restore or Change is selected for the One-off
box. The change time cannot be the same as the restore time and cannot be earlier than
the current time.
Restored Power—Enter the power value you want WSM to restore for radios. The value
range is 1 to 27 dBm. The parameter appears only when Change/Restore or Restore is
selected for the One-off box.
Changed Power—Enter the power value to which you want WSM to change for radios.
The value range is 1 to 27 dBm. The parameter appears only when Change/Restore or
Change is selected for the One-off box.
Configure the following parameters if Periodical is selected:
Execution Period—Select the intervals at which the task is executed. Options are Every
Day, Every Week, and Every Month.
Stopped at—Enter the time in hh:mm:ss format at which you want WSM to power off APs,
radios, or SSIDs. The stop time cannot be the same as the start time and cannot be
earlier than the current time.
Started at—Enter the time in hh:mm:ss format at which you want WSM to power on APs,
radios, or SSIDs. The start time cannot be the same as the stop time and cannot be
earlier than the current time.
Recovered at—Enter the time in hh:mm:ss format at which you want WSM to restore the
power of radios. The restore time cannot be the same as the change time and cannot be
earlier than the current time.
Modified at—Enter the time in hh:mm:ss format at which you want WSM to change the
power of radios. The change time cannot be the same as the restore time and cannot be
earlier than the current time.
Restored Power—Enter the power value you want WSM to restore for radios. The value
range is 1 to 27 dBm.
Changed Power—Enter the power value to which you want WSM to change for radios.
The value range is 1 to 27 dBm.
Always Effective—Select this option if you want to the energy policy to be valid until it is
Validated at—Enter the time in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format at which the energy policy
takes effect, or click the calendar icon to select the validity time. The parameter
appears only when the Always Effective option is not selected. The validity time must be
early than the expiration time and cannot be earlier than the current time.
Expired at—Enter the time in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format at which the energy policy
expires, or click the calendar icon to select the expiration time. The parameter
appears only when the Always Effective option is not selected. The expiration time must
be later than the validity time and cannot be earlier than the current time.
Description—Enter the description for the energy policy.
Select devices to which you want to apply the energy policy.
Devices to be selected vary with operation type of the energy policy. When the policy type of
the energy policy is Start/Stop AP, select APs. Otherwise, select both fit AP radios and fat AP