H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
H3c intelligent management center, Wireless service manager administrator guide
Table of contents
Document Outline
- 1 Wireless Service Manager overview
- WSM feature and wireless device compatibility matrix
- Fast WLAN deployment
- Wireless resource management
- Wireless service alarming
- Wireless performance monitoring
- View management
- Wireless topology management
- Automatic network planning
- RF management
- Spectrum guard management
- Wireless location management
- Energy policy management
- Mesh configuration management
- Network evaluation management
- Wireless service report
- Configuration management
- Operator privilege management
- WSM installation
- WSM licenses
- 2 WSM home page widgets
- Basic functions
- AP Bandwidth – Today
- AP Model
- Reasons for Assoc. Failures
- Client Distribution
- Channel List
- Radio Type List
- AC
- Fat AP
- Fit AP
- Interference Detection Count
- Rogue AP And Rogue Client
- SSID Rate Trend Graph
- SSID-Based Client Count Trend Graph
- BottomN Channel Quality APs
- TopN AP Traffic – Today
- TopN APs by Assoc. Failures
- TopN Locations by Assoc. Failures
- TopN Location Traffic – Today
- TopN APs by Clients
- TopN Locations by Clients
- TopN SSIDs by Clients
- Client Count – Today
- AP Threat Level Statistics
- Detection Information
- WIPS Security Event Statistics
- TopN Sensors Detecting Rogues
- TopN Virtual Security Domains Detecting Rogues
- Wireless Alarm
- WLAN List
- 3 WLAN overview
- 4 Fast WLAN deployment
- 5 Managing MSM series access controllers
- Viewing the AC list
- Querying ACs
- Viewing detailed information about an AC
- Configuring fit AP groups
- Viewing the fit AP groups on an AC
- Adding a group
- Modifying a group
- Batch binding/unbinding WLANs with a group
- Configuring group parameters
- Configuring AP monitor status for a group
- Deleting a group
- Viewing the fit APs in a group
- Querying fit APs in a group
- Adding fit APs to a group
- Deleting fit APs from a group
- Moving fit APs from one group to another group
- Configuring WLANs
- Configuring radios in batches
- Configuring global AP parameters
- Configuring the country/region code for an AC
- Synchronizing ACs
- Viewing the online fit APs managed by an AC
- Viewing the online clients of an AC
- View the wireless service status on an AC
- General management functions
- 6 Managing Comware-based access controllers
- Viewing the AC list
- Synchronizing ACs
- Querying ACs
- Viewing detailed information about an AC
- Viewing AP license information
- Configuring AC global parameters
- Configuring a radio policy
- Configuring radios in batches
- Configuring WLAN logical interfaces
- Configuring a service policy
- Viewing the online fit APs managed by an AC
- Viewing the online clients
- Viewing MP policies of an AC
- Viewing mesh profiles of an AC
- Viewing mesh interfaces of an AC
- Viewing AC history information
- Configuring load balancing groups
- Viewing supported fit AP models
- Viewing CAPWAP tunnel information
- Configuring WLAN RRM
- Managing AC groups
- Managing policy templates
- General management functions
- 7 Managing Cisco access controllers
- Viewing the AC list
- Synchronizing ACs
- Querying ACs
- Viewing detailed information about an AC
- Configuring global parameters for an AC
- Viewing fit APs managed by an AC
- Viewing online fit APs managed by an AC
- Viewing the online clients of an AC
- Managing groups of an AC
- Managing WLANs of an AC
- Configuring radio parameters for an AC
- General management functions
- Configuring Cisco ACs in batches
- 8 Managing Aruba ACs
- 9 Managing MSM series fat APs
- Viewing the fat AP list
- Querying fat APs
- Configuring WLANs in batches
- Configuring radios in batches
- Managing WLANs
- Synchronizing fat APs
- Exporting fat APs
- Viewing detailed information about a radio on a fat AP
- Modifying the radio parameters for a fat AP
- Monitoring a fat AP in real time
- Locating a fat AP on the Mapbar map
- General management functions
- 10 Managing Comware-based fat APs
- Viewing the fat AP list
- Querying fat APs
- Viewing detailed information about a fat AP
- Configuring WLAN BSS interfaces in batches
- Configuring service policies in batches
- Configuring radios in batches
- Modifying radio parameters for a fat AP
- Configuring a service policy
- Configuring wireless logical interfaces
- Synchronizing fat APs
- Exporting all fat APs
- Viewing MP policies for a fat AP
- Viewing mesh profiles for a fat AP
- Viewing mesh interfaces for a fat AP
- Locating a fat AP on a Mapbar map
- Configuring fat AP global parameters
- Viewing detailed radio information for a fat AP
- Configuring a mesh peer MAC address for a fat AP
- Configuring 802.11 rates
- Configuring MCS
- General management functions
- 11 Managing MSM series fit APs
- Viewing the fit AP list
- Querying fit APs
- Viewing detailed information about a fit AP
- Viewing radio parameters for a fit AP
- Modifying radio parameters for a fit AP
- Synchronizing fit APs
- Exporting all fit APs
- Locating a fit AP on a Mapbar map
- Monitoring fit APs in real time
- Viewing fit AP history information
- General management functions
- 12 Managing Comware-based fit APs
- Viewing the fit AP list
- Querying fit APs
- Viewing detailed information about a fit AP
- Managing fit AP templates
- Synchronizing fit APs
- Exporting all fit APs
- Locating a fit AP on a Mapbar map
- Monitoring fit APs in real time
- Viewing fit AP history information
- Viewing clients associated with a fit AP
- Viewing radio parameters for a fit AP
- Modifying radio parameters for a fit AP
- Configuring a mesh peer MAC address for a fit AP
- Modifying parameters for an X-share antenna
- Managing engineered fit APs
- Configuring extended properties for a fit AP
- General management functions
- 13 Managing Cisco fit APs
- 14 Managing Aruba fit APs
- 15 Managing clients
- Online client management
- Viewing the client list
- Customizing the client list
- Querying clients
- Viewing detailed information about a client
- Exporting clients
- Configuring a sampling client
- Modifying client information
- Locating a client
- Locating a client to map
- Performing real-time monitoring for a client
- Viewing client history information
- Setting a synchronization interval
- Client online history management
- Client information management
- Troubleshooting
- Online client management
- 16 Managing radios
- 17 Managing WLANs
- 18 Managing AP access ports
- 19 Managing wireless service traps
- 20 Monitoring WLAN performance
- 21 Managing wireless views
- Managing location views
- Viewing the location list
- Querying location views
- Viewing location view details
- Adding a location view
- Modifying a location view
- Deleting a location view
- Adding a sub-location view
- Modifying a sub-location view
- Deleting a sub-location view
- Adding APs to a location view or sub-location view
- Removing APs or sub-location views from a location view
- Querying location view history information
- Testing network connectivity of an AP on a location view
- Opening web manager for a fat AP on a location view
- Telnetting to a fat AP on a location view
- Viewing a location topology
- Locating an AP on a location view
- Locating an AP on a location view to Mapbar map
- Exporting hotspot information on all location views
- Configuring extended properties for hotspots associated with location views
- Managing wireless custom views
- Viewing the wireless custom view list
- Viewing wireless custom view details
- Adding a wireless custom view
- Modifying a wireless custom view
- Deleting a wireless custom view
- Adding fit APs to a wireless custom view
- Removing fit APs from a wireless custom view
- Testing network connectivity of an AC or online fit AP on a wireless custom view
- Opening web manager for an AC on a wireless custom view
- Using Telnet to access an AC on a wireless custom view
- Viewing a wireless custom view topology
- Locating an AC or fit AP on a wireless custom view
- Locating a fit AP on a wireless custom view to a Mapbar map
- Managing GIS view
- Managing location views
- 22 Managing wireless topologies
- 23 Managing wireless network security
- IDS feature overview
- Accessing the WIDS Config page
- Querying ACs on the WIDS Config page
- Enabling/Disabling IDS for MSM series ACs
- Enabling/disabling fit APs to detect rogue APs
- Exporting authorized APs
- Importing authorized APs
- Configuring WIDS detection rules for Comware-based ACs
- Managing rogue APs
- Displaying the rogue AP list
- Querying rogue APs
- Viewing detailed information about a Comware-based rogue AP
- Adding Comware-based rogue APs to the MAC-to-attack list
- Removing Comware-based rogue APs from the MAC-to-attack list
- Adding Comware-based rogue APs to the permitted-MAC address list
- Locating a rogue AP
- Viewing detailed information about an MSM series rogue AP
- Manually authorizing an MSM series rogue AP
- Managing rogue clients
- 24 Configuring WLAN IPS
- Overview
- Terminology
- WIPS networking
- Basic WIPS configurations
- Accessing the WIPS Management page
- Enabling WIPS
- Configuring time parameters
- Configuring the permitted channel list
- Configuring the static trusted address list
- Configuring the alarm-ignored address list
- Configuring the static blocked address list
- Configuring the static countermeasures address list
- Configuring the static trusted OUI list
- Configuring the function set
- Configuring sensors
- Managing virtual security domains
- Configuring AP categorization rules
- Configuring attack detection policies
- Configuring signature policies
- Viewing the signature policy list
- Viewing signature policy details
- Synchronizing the signature policy list
- Querying signature policies
- Adding a signature policy
- Modifying a signature policy
- Viewing the bound virtual security domain
- Deleting signature policies
- Viewing the signature rule list
- Synchronizing the signature rule list
- Viewing signature rule details
- Querying signature rules
- Adding a signature rule
- Modifying a signature rule
- Deleting signature rules
- Viewing the sub rule list
- Synchronizing the sub rule list
- Viewing sub rule details
- Querying sub rules
- Adding a sub rule
- Modifying a sub rule
- Deleting sub rules
- Configuring countermeasure policies
- Configuring virtual security domains
- WIPS dynamic detection information
- Detected APs
- Detected client list
- Detected SSIDs
- Security event
- 25 Configuring automatic network planning
- 26 Managing RFs
- 27 Managing spectrum guard
- 28 Managing wireless locating
- Overview
- Specifying a real-time locating method
- Configuring a location view
- MU locating
- Wireless locating based on iNode sampling points
- X-Share locating
- Wireless locating based on AP
- GIS locating
- 29 Configuring energy policies
- 30 Managing mesh networks
- Managing mesh profiles
- Managing MP policies
- Managing mesh interfaces
- Specifying MAC addresses of peers
- Mesh topology
- 31 Evaluating wireless network quality
- Configuring an evaluation task
- Viewing the evaluation task List
- Querying evaluation tasks
- Viewing detailed information about an evaluation task
- Adding an evaluation task
- Modifying an evaluation task
- Deleting an evaluation task
- Suspending an evaluation task
- Resuming an evaluation task
- Setting global thresholds
- Setting thresholds for an evaluation task
- Calculating evaluation results
- Managing evaluation reports
- Viewing an evaluation report
- Configuring an evaluation task
- 32 Wireless service reports
- Realtime reports
- Viewing a realtime report
- AC statistics report
- AP association summary report
- AP association detail report
- AP availability summary report
- AP availability detail report
- AP traffic summary report
- AP traffic detail report
- AP speed report
- AP offline summary report
- AP logoff detail report
- Radio error report
- Radio traffic report
- Radio speed report
- Radio resource usage report
- Rogue AP history report
- Rogue AP report
- Rogue client history report
- Rogue client report
- Current associated client statistics report
- Hotspot statistics report by AP
- Wireless asset statistics report
- Client summary report
- Client detail report
- Client number trendline report
- Busy AP statistics report
- Idle AP statistics report
- Worst AP statistics report
- AP statistics report
- SSID statistics report
- Hotspot statistics report by hotspot
- Site access points and neighbors report
- AP channel quality statistics report
- Scheduled reports
- Adding a scheduled report
- Viewing a scheduled report
- AC statistics report
- AP association summary report
- AP association detail report
- AP availability summary report
- AP availability detail report
- AP traffic summary report
- AP traffic detail report
- AP speed report
- AP offline summary report
- AP logoff detail report
- Radio error report
- Radio traffic report
- Radio speed report
- Radio resource usage report
- Rogue AP history report
- Rogue AP report
- Rogue client history report
- Rogue client report
- Current associated client statistics report
- Hotspot statistics report by AP
- Wireless asset statistics report
- Client summary report
- Client detail report
- Client number trendline report
- Busy AP statistics report
- Idle AP statistics report
- Worst AP statistics report
- AP statistics report
- SSID statistics report
- Hotspot statistics report by hotspot
- Site access points and neighbors report
- AP channel quality statistics report
- Viewing the wireless service report template list
- Querying a wireless service report template
- Configuring a wireless service report template
- Realtime reports
- 33 Configuring network management
- 34 Managing fit AP groups
- 35 FAQ
- 36 Acronyms and terms