Locating a rogue client, Locating a rogue ap – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

Page 577

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The AC topology does not display clients.


To display all clients that are associated with the fit APs managed by the AC, right-click on a
blank area, and, from the shortcut menu, select Show Devices > Show All Clients.


Right-click the client icon, and, from the shortcut menu, select


The client is displayed and highlighted in the location view topology.
Because WSM continuously adjusts the location result, the initially located location might be
different from the finally located location. If no location result is displayed 10 minutes later, the

locating operation automatically stops and a prompt that indicates the failure appears on the
message bar.


To stop the locating operation, right-click on a blank area, and, from the shortcut menu, select
Stop Locate.

Locating a rogue client

To locate a rogue client by client name:


Click the Service tab.


From the navigation tree, select WLAN Manager > WIDS Management > Rogue Clients.
The Rogue Client List displays all rogue clients.


Click the Operation icon

of a rogue client to be located. From the menu, select


The rogue client is displayed and highlighted in the location view topology.

To locate a rogue client by topology:


Click the Service tab.


From the navigation tree, select WLAN Manager > Wireless Topology.
The wireless device topology page appears, displaying all ACs and fat APs.


Double-click the AC icon, or right-click the AC icon, and, from the shortcut menu, select Open
The topology page of the AC appears.


Right-click on a blank area, and, from the shortcut menu, select Show Devices > Show Rogues.
All rogue APs and clients are displayed and are associated with the fit APs that discover them.


Right-click the client icon, and, from the shortcut menu, select


The client is displayed and highlighted in the location view topology.
Because WSM continuously adjusts the location result, the initially located location might be
different from the finally located location. If no location result is displayed ten minutes later, the
locating operation automatically stops, and a prompt that indicates the failure appears on the

message bar.


To stop the locating operation, right-click on a blank area, and, from the shortcut menu, select
Stop Locate.

Locating a rogue AP

To locate a rogue AP by AP name:


Click the Service tab.


From the navigation tree, select WLAN Manager > WIDS Management > Rogue APs.