H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
Page 315

When WSM is collaborated with UAM or user information is added to WSM, the username
is displayed. Such usernames can be modified on the client information modification page.
Otherwise, this field is blank.
IP Address—IP address of the client.
For a client that goes online through an MSM series fat AP/fit AP, the IP address is
For a client that goes online through a Comware-based fat AP/fit AP, the IP address is
available when the client access the wireless network by using iNode or when IP snooping
is enabled on the access fat AP/AC. Otherwise, is displayed.
SSID—SSID name used by the client to access the network.
Channel—Channel used by the client.
Rx Rate (Mbps)—Current reception rate of the client.
Total Traffic (KB)—Total amount of traffic received and transmitted by the client. Click Total
Traffic to view detailed values of received and transmitted traffic.
Online Duration—Latest online duration of the client.
AP—AP associated with the client.
When the client access the network through fit AP, [management AC device label]->[fit AP
device label] is displayed. Click the corresponding link to view the detailed fit AP
When the client access the network through fat AP, the fat AP device label is displayed.
Click the corresponding link to view the detailed fat AP information.
Operation—The Operation icon
that displays links to operational tasks for the
associated client.
For a client that goes online through an MSM series fat AP/fit AP, you can modify the client
information, view the real-time monitoring information, and locate the client through
Mapbar map from the
Operation menu.
For a client that goes online through a Comware-based fat AP/fit AP, you can configure the
client as a sampling client, modify the client information, view the real-time monitoring
information and history information, execute troubleshooting, execute RF Ping, and locate
the client through location view or Mapbar map from the
Operation menu.
If the Client List contains enough entries, the following navigational aids are displayed.
Navigating the Client List
Click the Next Page icon
to page forward in the Client List.
Click the Last Page icon
to page forward to the end of the Client List.
Click the Previous Page icon
to page backward in the Client List.
Click the First Page icon
to page backward to the front of the Client List.
Click 8, 15, 50, 100, or 200 at the upper right of the Client List to specify the number of items you
want to display on each page.
You can sort the Client List by every field except the Operation field. Click the column label to sort the
list by the selected field. The column label allows you to toggle between the various sort options specific
to each field.