Viewing detailed information about a radio, Viewing detailed information about a wlan – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

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To view history information about a fit AP:


Click the Service tab.


From the navigation tree, select Wireless Manager > Resource Management > Fit APs.


Click the Operation icon

for the target Aruba AP, and select History Info from the menu.


Select an option from the Statistics list in the Query area.
Only Online Clients is available for Aruba fit APs.
By default, the area on the lower page displays client information in the past one hour,
including a tendency chart, the Peak Number of Online Clients, and the Average Online Clients.


To view online client information in different periods, click 1h, 1d, 1w, 1m, 1y, or Custom.
If you click Custom, enter a start time and end time in the Start Time and End Time fields, or
click the fields to select a start and end time from the calendar. The start and end time must be

in the form of YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, and the end time must be later than the start time.
You can also click Online Clients above the trend graph to view the history client information list.


Time—Time scale. The time scale changes as you select different time ranges. If you view the
history records of the past day, the time scale is 15 minutes. If you view the history records of

the past month, the time scale is one day.


Clients—Number of online clients during the time scale.

Click the Close icon to close the window.


Click Close.

Viewing detailed information about a radio


Click the Service tab.


From the navigation tree, select Wireless Manager > Resource Management > Fit APs.


Click the device label link for the target Aruba AP.


In the Wireless Service area, click a Radio ID. The Fit AP Radio Details window appears.
Fit AP Radio Details


Radio ID—Radio ID.


Radio Type—Type of the radio.


Admin Status—Administration status of the radio. Options are Up and Down. Radios in up
state provide wireless access services.


Channel in Use—Current working channel of the radio.


Current Transmission Power (dBm)—Current transmission power of the radio.


SSID—SSID to which the radio is bound.


Click Close.

Viewing detailed information about a WLAN


Click the Service tab.


From the navigation tree, select WLAN Manager > Resource Management > Fit APs.


Click the AP label link for the target AP.