H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

Page 746

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Beacon interval—Time interval at which an AP sends a beacon frame.
Broadcast SSID—The fit APs bound to a WLAN broadcast the SSID, which can be searched by clients
for wireless access.
BSS—Basic Service Set, which specifies the range of the AP radio signals.
BSS MAC—Basic Service Set MAC, which identifies a BSS.
Built-in monitoring indexes—WSM provides built-in monitoring indexes for WLAN performance
monitoring on the WLAN service overview page, WLAN widgets on the IMC home page, WLAN

service reports, and Web service and network evaluation pages.
Busy AP—An AP that has reached or exceeded the upper limits of the peak online user and peak

sending rate.
CAC—Connect Admission Control, which limits the number of clients using high-priority AC queues to

guarantee sufficient bandwidth for existing high-priority traffic.
CAPWAP—Controlling and Provisioning of Wireless Access Point.
CCMP—Counter mode with CBC-MAC Protocol.
Channel—A one-way telecommunications link or transmission medium through which information or a

signal is transmitted from a sender (or transmitter) to a receiver.
Channel quality—Communication quality score that is yielded for the monitor channel in spectrum

Channels to Monitor—Channel range in which radios are monitored for spectrum protection.
Cipher suite—Suite for data encryption and decryption.
Clear—All data packets in wireless communication are not encrypted.
Client—WiFi-capable endpoint device, such as a PC, laptop, tabular computer, and smart phone.
Client dropping rate—Ratio of the number of client drops to the sum of successful associations and
initial online users.
Client historical track—Displays history location information for concerned clients and dynamically

shows their tracks on the location topology.
Concerned user group—Contains a group of UAM user accounts for which you want to monitor
locations in real time.
Crypto—All data packets in wireless communication must be encrypted.
Custom view—Manages fit APs in groups for a single AC, and can be displayed in a topology view.
DFS—Dynamic Frequency Selection, which is a channel allocation scheme that dynamically selects
and/or changes the operating frequency to avoid interfering with (or interference from) other systems.
DoS—Denial of Service.
DTIM—Delivery Traffic Indication Message.
Dual-Radio Behavior—Radio mode supported on fit APs, which can be Both Radios, Radio 1 Only, or
Radio 2 Only. Egress network—VLAN that is bound to an AC.
Encryption mode—Specifies how data is processed for transfer over the wireless network. Encryption

modes are Clear and Crypto.
Energy policy—Controls the power supply for wireless devices.
ESS—Extended Service Set, which comprises multiple basic service sets using the same SSID.