Batch configuring wlans, Batch creating wlans – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
Page 176

All ACs—Select this option to delete groups on all Cisco ACs.
Selected ACs—Select this option to delete groups on the selected ACs.
Select Selected ACs from the Selected Devices list.
Click Add in the AC List area. A dialog box for selecting devices appears.
Enter or select one or more of the following query criteria in the Query area:
Device Label—Enter a complete or partial label of the AC. WSM supports fuzzy
matching for this field. The device label is not the device name. You can configure a
label on the IMC platform to identify devices.
IP Address—Enter a complete or partial IP address of the AC.
Model—Select the model of the AC. Options are models of all Cisco ACs on the AC List.
Click Query. The Device List displays all ACs matching the query criteria. Click Reset to
clear the query criteria and display all ACs.
Select one or multiple ACs in the Device List area and click OK.
The AC List displays the selected ACs.
Click the Delete icon to delete the target AC.
Click OK.
After the groups are deleted, the Result List page appears, displaying the operation result for
deleting groups on each AC.
Result List
Device Label—Label of the AC.
IP Address—IP address of the AC.
Result—Operation result for deleting groups. If the operation fails, WSM provides the cause
of failure. You can modify the configuration to delete groups again.
Click Back to go back to the Batch Delete Groups page.
Batch configuring WLANs
This function allows you to batch create, modify, and delete WLANs.
Batch creating WLANs
Click the Service tab.
From the navigation tree, select WLAN Manager > Configuration Management.
The Configuration Management page appears.
Click the Cisco tab.
Click the WLAN Batch Configuration tab.
The Batch Create WLANs page appears. If you are not placed on this page, click the Batch
Create WLANs link in the Configuration Management area.
Configure the following parameters in the Basic Information area:
Profile Name—Enter a profile name, a string of 1 to 32 characters.
SSID—Enter an SSID, a string of 1 to 32 characters.