H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

Page 87

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VLAN Tagging—Select whether to enable the WLAN to be bound to a VLAN. Options are
Enable and Disable.


VLAN ID—Select the VLAN ID bound to the WLAN. Valid value range is 1 to 4094. All
wireless clients that access the WLAN are added automatically to the bound VLAN. This

field is configurable only when VLAN Tagging is set to Enable.


Broadcast SSID—Select whether to enable fit APs to broadcast the SSID in beacon frames. If
you select Enable, fit APs in the group bound with the WLAN periodically advertises their

presences by broadcasting their SSIDs in beacon frames. If you select Disable, the fit APs do
not broadcast their SSIDs, and a client must configure the SSID manually before accessing

the wireless network.


Inter-Client Blocking— Enable or disable access between clients that access the WLAN.


Configure the following security parameters as needed:


Encryption—Select an encryption mode for the WLAN. Options are:


Static WEP

Dynamic WEP

WPA Pre-Shared Key

WPA 802.1X.

For each encryption mode, you need to specify different parameters, as described in


Table 4



Click OK.

Table 4

shows the security information parameters.