Show information for items, Create a folder, Rename and sort items – Adobe After Effects CS4 User Manual

Page 87: Copy items, Reveal footage items, Refresh footage items, The footage panel

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Importing and managing footage items

Last updated 12/21/2009

Show information for items

To show information about a footage item or composition, select it in the Project panel. Information is displayed
at the top of the Project panel next to the thumbnail image.

To show the file creator ID for a footage item, Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) it in the Project panel.

Create a folder

Choose File

> New

> New Folder, or click the Create A New Folder icon

at the bottom of the Project panel.

Rename and sort items

To rename a composition, footage item, or folder, do one of the following:

Select the item in the Project panel, press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS), and enter the new name.

Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the item, choose Rename, and enter the new name.

To rename the Comment column, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the column heading and
choose Rename This.

You can use the Comment column to create a custom sorting option. Rename the column, enter corresponding
information for each item (for example, camera number), and then sort by that column.

To sort items by entries in any column, click the column name in the Project panel.

Copy items

To duplicate or copy an item in the Project panel, select it and choose Edit > Duplicate or Edit > Copy.

To copy a footage item to Windows Explorer (Windows) or the Finder (Mac OS), drag the footage item from the
Project panel to the desktop.

Reveal footage items

To reveal where a footage item is used in a composition, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the
footage item in the Project panel and choose Reveal In Composition; then select the specific instance you want to
reveal (composition name, layer name).

To reveal the source footage item for a layer in the Project panel, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS)
the layer in the Timeline panel, and then choose Reveal Layer Source In Project.

To reveal the location of a footage item in Adobe Bridge, Windows Explorer, or the Finder, right-click (Windows)
or Control-click (Mac OS) the footage item in the Project panel and choose Reveal In Bridge, Reveal In Windows
Explorer, or Reveal In Finder.

Refresh footage items

To refresh footage items selected in the Project panel to use the current versions of the source footage files, choose
File > Reload Footage.

The Footage panel

When you double-click a movie in the Project panel, it opens by default in the Footage panel or in a player window:
QuickTime (.mov) files open in a QuickTime Player window; Video for Windows (.avi) files open in a Video for
Windows player window. Still images always appear in the Footage panel. The AVI player window does not support
the playback of certain AVI files; these files open in the After Effects Footage panel. Such files include files created with
the Microsoft DirectX DV codec and all files over 2 GB.

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