Audio effects, Backwards effect, Bass & treble effect – Adobe After Effects CS4 User Manual

Page 442: Delay effect, Flange & chorus effect

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Effects and animation presets

Last updated 12/21/2009

Audio effects

Backwards effect

The Backwards effect reverses the audio of a layer by playing the audio from the last frame to the first frame. The
frames remain in their original order in the Timeline panel. Select Swap Channels to swap left and right channels.

Harry Frank and Aharon Rabinowitz provide a video tutorial on the

All Bets Are Off website

that shows how to use

the Backwards effect and the Reverb effect to create a creepy reverse echo result.

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Bass & Treble effect

The Bass & Treble effect boosts (increases) or cuts (decreases) the low frequencies (bass) or the high frequencies
(treble) of the audio. For greater control, use the Parametric EQ effect.

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Delay effect

The Delay effect repeats audio after a specified amount of time. This effect simulates sound bouncing off a surface, such
as a wall.

To simulate the acoustic ambience of a room, use the Reverb effect.

Delay Time

Time between the original sound and its echo, in milliseconds.

Delay Amount

Volume of the first delayed audio, as a fraction of the original.


Amount of the echo that is fed back into the delay line to create subsequent echoes.

Dry Out, Wet Out

The amounts of the original (dry) sound and delayed (wet) sound in the final output. Values of 50%

are commonly used.

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Flange & Chorus effect

Flange is an audio effect caused by mixing the original audio with a copy that is delayed by a varying amount that cycles
over time. The frequency of the copy is also offset by an amount related to the delay. Chorus uses a larger delay, to
make one voice or instrument sound like many.

The default settings for the Flange & Chorus effect are for flange. To create a chorus result, use values something like
the following: 40 for Voice Separation Time (or higher for a greater chorus result), 4 for Voices, 0.1 for Modulation
Rate, 50% for Modulation Depth, and 90 for Voice Phase Change, with Stereo Voices selected.

Voice Separation Time

The time in milliseconds that separates each voice. Each voice is a delayed version of the

original sound. Use values of 6 or lower for flange, and higher values for chorus.

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