Change to color effect – Adobe After Effects CS4 User Manual

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Effects and animation presets

Last updated 12/21/2009

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Color correction and adjustment

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Change To Color effect

The Change To Color effect (formerly Change Color HLS effect) changes a color you select in an image to another
color using hue, lightness, and saturation (HLS) values, leaving other colors unaffected.

Change To Color offers flexibility and options unavailable in the Change Color effect. These options include tolerance
sliders for hue, lightness, and saturation for exact color matching, and the ability to select the exact RGB values of the
target color that you want to change to.

Carl Larsen provides a video tutorial on the

Creative COW website

that demonstrates the use of the Change To Color

effect to remove color fringes caused by chromatic aberration.

This effect works with 8-bpc and 16-bpc color.

Original image (upper-left), with saturation removed in the planet (lower-left), and with light green changed to yellow in the planet (lower-right)


The center of the color range to change.


The color to change matched pixels to.

To animate a color change, set keyframes or expressions for the To color.


Which channels the effect affects.

Change By

How to change colors. Setting To Color performs a direct change of affected pixels to the target color.

Transforming To Color transforms affected pixel values toward the target color, using HLS interpolation; the amount
of change for each pixel depends on how close the color of the pixel is to the From color.


How much colors can differ from the From color and still be matched. Expand this control to reveal

separate sliders for Hue, Lightness, and Saturation values.

Note: Use the View Correction Matte option to better identify which pixels are matched and affected.


The amount of feather to use for the edges of the correction matte. Higher values create smoother transitions

between areas affected by the color change and unaffected areas.

View Correction Matte

Shows a grayscale matte that indicates the amount to which the effect affects each pixel. White

areas are changed the most, and dark areas are changed the least.

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