Link to a new sequence, Link to an existing sequence – Adobe After Effects CS4 User Manual
Page 53

Workflows, planning, and setup
Last updated 12/21/2009
Dynamically linked After Effects compositions
Modify a dynamically linked composition in After Effects (Production
Premium or Master Collection only)
Use the Edit Original command in Adobe Premiere Pro or Encore to modify a linked After Effects composition. Once
After Effects is open, you can make changes without having to use the Edit Original command again.
Select the After Effects composition in the Adobe Premiere Pro or Encore Project panel, or choose a linked clip in
the Timeline, and choose Edit > Edit Original.
Make changes in After Effects, and then switch back to Adobe Premiere Pro or Encore to view your changes.
The changes made in After Effects will appear in Adobe Premiere Pro, but any preview files Adobe Premiere Pro may
have rendered for the clip prior to the changes will be invalidated.
Note: If you change the name of the composition in After Effects after you’ve created a dynamic link to it from Adobe
Premiere Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro doesn’t update the linked composition name in the Project panel, but retains the
dynamic link.
Delete a dynamically linked composition or clip (Production Premium or
Master Collection only)
You can delete a linked composition from an Encore project if the composition isn’t used in the project. You can delete
a linked composition from an Adobe Premiere Pro project at any time, even if the composition is used in a project.
You can delete linked clips, which are simply references to the linked composition in the Project panel, from the
timeline of an Adobe Premiere Pro sequence or from an Encore menu or timeline at any time.
In Adobe Premiere Pro or Encore, select the linked composition or clip and press the Delete key.
Create and link to Premiere Pro sequences with Dynamic Link (Production
Premium or Master Collection only)
Link to a new sequence
When you link to a new Adobe Premiere Pro sequence from After Effects, Premiere Pro starts and creates a new project
and sequence with settings that match your After Effects project. If Premiere Pro is already running, it creates a new
sequence in the current project.
In After Effects, choose File > Adobe Dynamic Link > New Premiere Pro Sequence.
Link to an existing sequence
For best results, sequence settings and project settings in Premiere Pro (such as dimensions, pixel aspect ratio, and
frame rate) should match settings used in the After Effects project.