Composition markers – Adobe After Effects CS4 User Manual
Page 626

Markers and metadata
Last updated 12/21/2009
If you add one composition to another, the original composition becomes nested as a layer in the containing
composition. All of the composition markers from the nested composition become layer markers in the timeline of the
containing composition. These markers are not linked to the original composition markers. Changes that you make
to the composition markers in the original composition do not affect layer markers in the nested composition. For
example, if you remove one of the original composition markers, the corresponding layer marker for the nested
composition remains in place.
Scripts and expressions can read and use data stored in markers. Because XMP metadata for source footage items can
be converted to layer markers, expressions and scripts can work with XMP metadata.
To view video tutorials on working with markers, cue points, and XMP metadata go to the Adobe website:
More Help topics
MarkerKey attributes (expression reference)
Composition markers
Composition markers appear as small triangles in the time ruler in the Timeline panel. You can have any number of
composition markers in a composition.
If you remove a numbered composition marker, the other markers remain numbered as they were. If you change the
comment from the default number, that number may be reused by a composition marker created later.
When you render a composition for comments using Adobe Clip Notes, the comments in composition markers are
included as comments in the Clip Notes PDF. When you import the comments from a Clip Notes review back into
After Effects, the reviewers’ PDF comments are converted back to composition markers.
There can be at most one composition marker beginning at each time. If you add or move a composition marker to
start at the same point in time as another composition marker, the added or moved marker replaces the other marker.
When Clip Notes comments are imported, if a comment begins at the same time as an existing composition marker,
the comment is appended to the existing composition marker, rather than overwriting it.
To add a blank composition marker at the current time, make sure that no layer is selected, and choose Layer
> Add
Marker or press * (multiply) on the numeric keypad.
Note: Pressing * during a RAM preview or audio-only preview adds a marker at the current time without interrupting
the preview.
To add a composition marker at the current time and open the marker dialog box, make sure that no layer is
selected, and press Alt+* (Windows) or Option+* (Mac OS) on the numeric keypad.
To add a composition marker from the bin, drag the marker from the Comp Marker Bin