Working with after effects and other applications, Working with adobe bridge and after effects, Changed browse to browse in bridge. see – Adobe After Effects CS4 User Manual

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Workflows, planning, and setup

Last updated 12/21/2009

It’s best to store footage in the same folder as the project file or in another folder within that folder. Here’s a sample




You can then copy the newproject folder in its entirety across platforms, and After Effects will properly locate all of the

Use the Collect Files feature to gather copies of all the files in a project into a single folder. You can then move the folder
containing the copied project to the other platform. See “

Collect files in one location

” on page


File-naming conventions
Name your footage and project files with the appropriate filename extensions, such as .mov for QuickTime movies and
.aep for After Effects projects. Don’t use high-ASCII or other extended characters in filenames to be used cross-
platform. If files will be used on the Web, be sure that filenames adhere to applicable conventions for extensions and

Supported file types
Some file types are supported on one platform but not another. See

Supported import formats

” on page 68 and

Supported output formats

” on page 690.

Ensure that all fonts, effects, codecs, and other resources are available on both systems. Such resources are often plug-ins.

If you use a native After Effects effect in a project on one operating system, the effect will still work on the other
operating system to which you’ve transferred your project. However, some third-party effects and other third-party
plug-ins may not continue to operate, even if you have versions of these plug-ins on the target system. In such cases,
you may need to reapply some third-party effects.

More Help topics


” on page 641


” on page 347

Working with After Effects and other applications

For a video introduction to Creative Suite 4 Production Premium edition, go to the Adobe website at


Working with Adobe Bridge and After Effects

Adobe® Bridge is the control center for Adobe Creative Suite software. Use Adobe Bridge to browse for project
templates and animation presets; run cross-product workflow automation scripts; view and manage files and folders;
organize your files by assigning keywords, labels, and ratings to them; search for files and folders; and view, edit, and
add metadata.

To open Adobe Bridge from After Effects, choose File

> Browse In Bridge.

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