Online resources about flv and f4v formats – Adobe After Effects CS4 User Manual
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Rendering and exporting
Last updated 12/21/2009
The SWF export report lists information for unsupported features in Illustrator files for the first frame in which the
Illustrator file is visible. Unsupported features are ignored or rasterized (depending on whether you’ve selected Ignore
or Rasterize Unsupported Features) on all frames in which the footage is visible.
Render and export a composition as an FLV or F4V file
FLV and F4V files contain only pixel-based (rasterized) video, not vector graphics, and they aren’t interactive.
The FLV and F4V formats are container formats, each of which is associated with a set of video and audio formats.
FLV files generally contain video data that is encoded using the On2 VP6 or Sorenson Spark codec and audio data
encoded using an MP3 audio codec. F4V files generally contain video data that is encoded using an H.264 video codec
and the AAC audio codec.
You can play a movie in an FLV or F4V container file in many different ways, including the following:
Import the file into the Flash Professional authoring application and publish the video in a SWF file.
Play the movie in the Adobe Media Player (AMP).
Preview the movie using Adobe Bridge.
After Effects markers can be included as cue points in an output FLV or F4V file. To transfer keyframes or global
property values into the Flash Professional authoring application from After Effects, run the Convert Selected
Properties To Markers.jsx script before rendering and exporting an FLV or F4V file.
You render and export a movie to the FLV or F4V container format using the render queue, just as you do with other
formats. (See “
Render and export a movie using the render queue
Important: Some applications install a QuickTime export component that appears as an entry in the File > Export menu
for Flash Video (FLV). Adobe recommends that you not use this command, but instead render and export FLV and F4V
files using the Render Queue panel. Some features, such as export of cue points from After Effects, only work for render
and export through the Render Queue panel.
To include the alpha channel in the FLV output, use the On2 VP6 codec and select Encode Alpha Channel in the Video
tab of the export settings dialog box.
Note: Adobe Flash Professional and Flash Player only support alpha channels that are premultiplied with black. Tim
an alpha channel.
When you render and export a composition to the F4V or FLV format from a 32-bpc project, the rendering of colors
with values under 0 and over 1 does not produce results that preserve the appearance of the composition in After
Effects. To avoid unexpected results, you can work in an 8-bpc or 16-bpc project when creating a composition that you
intend to render and export to F4V or FLV format. Alternatively, you can work in a 32-bpc project, render and export
the composition to another format, and then convert the output file to F4V or FLV.
More Help topics
Encoding and compression options for movies
Working with Flash and After Effects
Basics of rendering and exporting
Online resources about FLV and F4V formats
Todd Kopriva and Tim Kurkoski provide information on the
about how alpha channels and straight
and premultiplied colors are treated by After Effects, Flash Professional, and Flash Player.