Adobe After Effects CS4 User Manual

Page 30

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User interface

Last updated 12/21/2009

Project panel

Added text field for searching and filtering. Removed Find button from bottom of panel. See “

Search and filter in

the Timeline, Project, and Effects & Presets panels

” on page 17.

Added Interpret Footage button to bottom of panel. See “

Interpret footage items

” on page 71.

Changed Project Flowchart View to Project Flowchart. See

Flowchart panel

” on page 51.

Added label name next to label color swatch. See “

Color labels for layers and footage items

” on page 156.

Added Composition Settings and Rename commands to context menu. See “

Composition settings

” on page 58 and

Rename and sort items

” on page 81.

Render Queue panel

Moved information from All Renders heading to status bar at bottom of panel. Changed Current Render Details to
Current Render. The Render button does not become the Stop button when the render queue is rendering. The
Stop, Pause/Continue, and Render buttons are separate buttons. Removed Log File entry. See “

Render and export

with the Render Queue panel

” on page 691 and

Render and export a movie using the render queue

” on page 692.

Added plus and minus buttons to add and remove output modules. See “

Add output modules to and remove output

modules from render items

” on page 701.

Changed Embedding to Include under Output Module heading. Possible values include Project Link, Source XMP
Metadata, and Project Link & Source XMP Metadata. See

About projects

” on page 49 and

XMP metadata

” on

page 625.

Smoother panel

Changed name of panel from The Smoother to Smoother. See

Smooth motion and velocity by removing extra


” on page 229.

Timeline panel

Added text field for searching and filtering. See “

Search and filter in the Timeline, Project, and Effects & Presets


” on page 17.

Added duration bar to markers. See “

Layer markers and composition markers

” on page 619.

Added label name next to label color swatch. See “

Color labels for layers and footage items

” on page 156.

Added Composition Flowchart and Composition Mini-Flowchart to panel menu and to context menu for when
pointer is not on a layer. Replaced Open Parent Composition button with Composition Mini-Flowchart button.

Opening and navigating nested compositions

” on page 62.

Added Transform > Flip Horizontal, Transform > Flip Vertical, Transform > Center In View, Open Footage, Open
Composition, Convert To Live Photoshop 3D, and Convert To Editable Text to context menu for a layer. See “


or flip a layer

” on page 164,

Move layers in space

” on page 145,

Opening layers and layer sources

” on page 139,

3D object layers from Photoshop

” on page 185, and

Convert text from Photoshop to editable text

” on page 346.

Changed Create Outlines to Create Shapes From Text in context menu for a layer. See “

Create shapes from text

on page 319.

Added Create Masks From Text in context menu for a layer. See “

Create masks from text

” on page 319.

Added Settings, Update Markers From Source (Replaces All Markers), and Lock Markers commands to context
menu for a composition marker. Added Update Markers From Source (Replaces All Markers) to context menu for
a layer marker. See

Layer markers and composition markers

” on page 619.

Added Copy Expression Only to context menu for a property. See “

Save and reuse expressions

” on page 652.

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