Material options properties – Adobe After Effects CS4 User Manual

Page 199

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Layers and properties

Last updated 12/21/2009

Track Z Camera

Adjusts the 3D view along the line from the camera to the point of interest. If you are using an

orthographic view, this tool adjusts the scale of the view. (To temporarily activate the Track Z Camera tool when the
Unified Camera Tool is active, hold the right mouse button.)


Drag in the Composition panel. You can drag outside the panel after you’ve begun dragging within it.

Rolling the mouse wheel forward and backward when the Unified Camera tool is active has the same result as
dragging with the Track Z Camera tool.

After you’ve modified a 3D view, you can reset it by choosing View > Reset 3D View.

Chris and Trish Meyer provide a video tutorial on the

ProVideo Coalition website

that demonstrates the use of the

Camera tools to adjust cameras and 3D views.

More Help topics

Choose a 3D view

” on page 204

Choose a view layout and share view settings

” on page 204

Move a camera, light, or point of interest

” on page 191

3D layers (keyboard shortcuts)

” on page 750

Material Options properties

3D layers have Material Options properties, which determine how a 3D layer interacts with light and shadow.

Casts Shadows

Specifies whether a layer casts shadows on other layers. The direction and angle of the shadows are

determined by the direction and angle of the light sources. Set Casts Shadows to Only if you want the layer to be
invisible but still cast a shadow.

Use the Only setting and a nonzero Light Transmission setting to project the colors of an invisible layer onto another
layer. Steve Holmes provides a video tutorial on the

Artbeats website

in which he demonstrates how to use layers with

Cast Shadows set to Only to cast shadows of specific shapes within a 3D scene.

Light Transmission

The percentage of light that shines through the layer, casting the colors of the layer on other layers

as a shadow. 0% specifies that no light passes through the layer, casting a black shadow. 100% specifies that the full
values of the colors of the shadow-casting layer are projected onto the layer accepting the shadow.

Use partial light transmission to create the appearance of light passing through a stained glass window.

Accepts Shadows

Specifies whether the layer shows shadows cast on it by other layers.

Accepts Lights

Specifies whether the color of a layer is affected by light that reaches it. This setting does not affect



Ambient (nondirectional) reflectivity of the layer. 100% specifies the most reflectivity; 0% specifies no

ambient reflectivity.


Diffuse (omnidirectional) reflectivity of the layer. Applying diffuse reflectivity to a layer is like draping a dull,

plastic sheet over it. Light that falls on this layer reflects equally in all directions. 100% specifies the most reflectivity;
0% specifies no diffuse reflectivity.


Specular (directional) reflectivity of the layer. Specular light reflects from the layer as if from a mirror. 100%

specifies the most reflectivity; 0% specifies no specular reflectivity.


Determines the size of the specular highlight. This value is active only if the Specular setting is greater than

zero. 100% specifies a reflection with a small specular highlight. 0% specifies a reflection with a large specular highlight.

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