Adjust colors with the hue/saturation effect, Colorize an image or create a monotone result, Leave color effect – Adobe After Effects CS4 User Manual
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Effects and animation presets
Last updated 12/21/2009
Colorize Hue, Colorize Saturation, Colorize Lightness
Specify the hue, saturation, and lightness of the color range
chosen from the Channel Control menu. After Effects displays only the sliders for the Channel Control menu choice.
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Color correction and adjustment
Adjust colors with the Hue/Saturation effect
Choose Effect > Color Correction
> Hue/Saturation.
From the Channel Control menu, choose which colors to adjust:
Choose Master to adjust all colors at once.
Choose a preset color range for the color you want to adjust, and then use the sliders for that color range.
For Hue, type a value or drag the dial.
For Saturation, type a value or drag the slider. The color shifts away from or toward the center of the color wheel,
relative to the beginning color values of the selected pixels.
For Lightness, type a value or drag the slider.
Colorize an image or create a monotone result
Choose Effect > Color Correction
> Hue/Saturation.
Select Colorize. The image is converted to the hue of the current foreground color. The lightness value of each pixel
doesn’t change.
Drag the Colorize Hue dial to select a new color if desired.
Drag the Colorize Saturation and Colorize Lightness sliders.
Modify the range of Hue/Saturation effect adjustments
From the Channel Control menu, choose an individual color. (By default, the range of color selected when you
choose a color component is 30° wide, with 30° of fall-off on either side. Setting the fall-off too low can produce
dithering in the image.)
Do any of the following:
Drag one or both of the white triangles to adjust the amount of feather without affecting the range.
Drag one or both of the vertical white bars to adjust the range. Increasing the range decreases the fall-off, and vice
Leave Color effect
The Leave Color effect desaturates all colors on a layer except colors similar to the color specified by Color To Leave.
For example, a movie of a basketball game could be decolored except for the orange of the ball itself.
John Dickinson provides an example of using the Leave Color effect on his
This effect works with 8-bpc color.
Amount To Decolor
How much color to remove. 100% causes areas of the image dissimilar to the selected color to
appear as shades of gray.
The flexibility of the color-matching operation. 0% decolors all pixels except pixels that exactly match Color
To Leave. 100% causes no color change.