Metrohm 746 VA Trace Analyzer User Manual

Page 67

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3 Installation

746 VA Trace Analyzer / 747 VA Stand


8 Use pipetting handle in an operation sequence

Make sure that the 685 Dosimat with the connected pipetting handle is

connected to the "Dos.1" socket of the 746 VA Trace Analyzer.

Enter the desired dispensing instructions for which the pipetting handle

should be used on the "OP. SEQUENCE" and/or "SEGMENTS" page. If

you enter a solution name

for this solution, make sure that no

Dosimat is assigned for this solution on the "SOLUTIONS" page



must be empty). The following dispensing instructions

are allowed:















Start program by pressing the key.

If the desired dispensing instruction is executed, the message for manual

dispensing appears (e.g.

DOS "" V.add" > M


Put the pipetting handle into the waste beaker so that the pipetting tip is

at about the same level as the container with the solution that should be

pipetted and press the black button on the handle (if you press

at this time, you would have to add the solution manually).

If the pipetting instruction is carried out for the first time or if the previous

pipetting instruction has been terminated by (see below), the


Preparing Dosimat #X

appears. Press the black button on the


After rinsing of the pipetting tubing and formation of an air bubble, the


Aspirating standard

appears. Put the pipetting handle into

the desired solution with the pipetting tip immersed ca. 1

5 mm and

press the black button on the pipetting handle.

After aspiration of the solution the message

Dispensing solution

appears. Put the pipetting handle into the measuring vessel with the pi-

petting tip touching the wall and press the black button on the handle.

The desired solution is dispensed into the measuring vessel. Afterwards

the message

Rinsing tube

appears. Put the pipetting tip into the rinsing

quiver installed to the waste beaker and press the black button on the pi-

petting handle.

The pipetting tip is rinsed with dilution solution. Afterwards the message

Next operation


press to break

appears. If you press the black

button on the handle or , the Dosimat will be ready for the next

dispensing instruction, if you press , the Dosimat is switched to

the exchange position.