Metrohm 746 VA Trace Analyzer User Manual

Page 145

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4 Introduction to the operation

746 VA Trace Analyzer / 747 VA Stand



Addition of acetate buffer

Use a pipette to add 1 mL acetate buffer (1 mol/L, pH 4.6) to the

measuring vessel through the pipetting opening. Then close the pipet-

ting opening using stopper 25

25 and press the key.


Measurement of the sample solution

Measurement of the sample solution runs as follows (see also section


Purging and stirring for 330 s.

Wait time 5 s to stabilize the analysis solution.

Call-up of the segment


for measured value recording.

The single measurement is allocated the VR number



On completion of the measurement, the program is at an end. The status

display in the header of the dialog page "MONITORING" switches back



, the instrument is ready for a new determination.


Printout of the segment curve

On completion of the program, the smoothed segment curve entered on

the "DOCUMENTATION" page is put out on the printer. The following ex-

ample shows a determination with drinking water as sample:

================== METROHM 746 VA TRACE ANALYZER (5.746.0101) ==================

Method : POL User : Date: 1996-12-10

Mode : DPMODE Determ. : 12101420 Time: 14:20:12

Run : 6

Curve : smoothed Segment : polaro V R : 0 0