Metrohm 746 VA Trace Analyzer User Manual

Page 138

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4.4 Lead determination with internal standard

746 VA Trace Analyzer / 747 VA Stand


The status display in the header of the dialog page "MONITORING"

switches to

* BUSY *

, the start time of the measurement is entered un-



and the determination is given a standard name,

also formed from the start time. Further, during the measurement the

measurement window is superimposed which shows the current pro-

gram line being executed and the remaining line time.

Shortly after the start of the determination, the screen shows the prompt

to add 10 mL sample to the measuring vessel.


Addition of sample

Remove stopper 25

25 on 747 VA Stand and use a pipette to add 10 mL of

drinking water to the measuring vessel through the pipetting opening.

Press the key.

The screen shows the prompt to add 1 mL acetate buffer to the measur-

ing vessel.


Addition of acetate buffer

Use a pipette to add 1 mL acetate buffer (1 mol/L, pH 4.6) to the

measuring vessel through the pipetting opening. Then close the pipet-

ting opening using stopper 25

25 and press the key.

The screen shows the prompt to add 100


L of the solution


with the internal standard to the measuring vessel.


Addition of the internal standard

Use a pipette to add 100

µµL of the cadmium standard solution with a

mass concentration of 1 mg/L to the measuring vessel through the pi-

petting opening. Then close the pipetting opening using stopper 25

25 and

press the key.


Measurement of the sample solution

Measurement of the sample solution runs as follows (see also section


Purging and stirring for 180 s.

Call-up of the segment


for measured value recording.

Lead and cadmium are enriched with stirring at the hanging mer-

cury drop at a measurement voltage of –800 mV and then deter-

mined anodically without stirring from –800 ... –200 mV. The se-

lected measurement mode DP leads to a current peak for lead

whose maximum lies at ca. –400 mV and a current peak for cad-

mium with a maximum at ca. –580 mV.



segment is then repeated twice. Both the three single

measurements for the substance lead and also the three single

measurements for cadmium are allocated the VR numbers







On completion of the last measurement, the lead mass concentration is

calculated using the proportionality factor stored in the method. The pro-

gram is now at an end. The status display in the header of the dialog

page "MONITORING" switches back to


, the instrument is

ready for a new determination.